Yet another new character has been unveiled: Zeb. On the ship the show will follow, the Ghost, Zeb is the "muscle." Here's Disney's description of him:
He's an agile fighter, using his hands, feet, and acrobatics. But there is more to Zeb than pounding Imperials. "It's just going to be exciting to develop him and his bizarre new species," says Filoni, "and to explain to the audience where he came from.
Hera, captain of the Ghost, pilots her starship during a battle with two TIE fighters. Chopper delivers a message from Kanan, currently engaging the TIEs in the top turret. The Jedi is apparently displeased with Hera's maneuvering. In response, she takes matters into her own hands…
I'm a little confused, why are they creating new Jedi when there are so many already pre-existing survivors? I mean, yes, Yoda and Obi Wan are off limits... but what about Quinlan Vos? Kento Marek? Rahm Kota?
Why do to do that when they've a chance to create their very own ones?
Sure, Disney didn't create Star Wars in the first place, or in the second as I believe Hasbro had something to say on that, but now that they own whole franchise, they can move on from old characters and abandon most of Lucas creations to promote their own "heros and villains."
As Disney’s continuation of the cinematic Star Wars universe continues to develop, and we inch slowly towards Episode VII’s December 2015 release date, we will shortly have a tie-in to watch while we wait.
Star Wars Rebels, the animated televisual tale of the Rebel Alliance’s early days, has now been confirmed to reach screens worldwide on 3 October. If you have access to Watch Disney’s website or app, you can watch the opening episode as early as 29 September.