Star Wars: Rebels


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007
Star Wars Rebels is an animated television series set during the nineteen-year timespan between the films Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (19 BBY–0 BBY). It will begin airing in Fall 2014 on Disney XD.

I'm looking forward to this. The Clone Wars seemed to be pretty well done so that does bode well.
Kind of a strange ending for ahsoka. According to the books every jedi wasn't killed by order 66 so we might still see some lightsaber action. :)

I agree, it was a shame; Both her and Assaj's storylines ended prematurely after some really nice character stuff. I was surprised how much I liked both the first Clone Wars cartoon by Genndy Tartovsky, and the later 3D one. I love the silences, and stillness in Clone Wars. Highlight has to be when we find out how Grevious gets his breathing disorder ;):D.

I figure the Rebels one will be as robust in it's approach to depicting this universe.

Very interesting names.

David Oyelowo and Freddie Prinze Jr are amongst the names rumoured to be voicing parts in Star Wars Rebels...


So far, character details have been thin on the ground, but a rumour is circulating that David Oyelowo (Jack Reacher, The Paperboy), Freddie Prinze Jr. (recently, Mass Effect 3 and Robot Chicken), Vanessa Marshall (The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes), Nickelodeon star Taylor Gray, and experienced video game voice actor Steven Jay Blum are all in talks to provide the lead voice roles.

As with Star Wars: The Clone Wars, once the series is up and running, the guest voices are likely to draw more attention than the regulars. With the likes of geek favourites George Takei, Katee Sackhoff, Liam Neeson, Jon Favreau, Simon Pegg, Seth Green, David Tennant, Ron Perlman, and James Marsters all having popped up in its predecessor, Star Wars Rebels has plenty to live up to on that front.
Star Wars Rebels voice cast rumours | Den of Geek

Inquisitor Sith.
At New York Comic-Con, we met the first new Star Wars villain since Disney bought Lucasfilm: the Inquisitor. But we also saw a ton of concept art for the new animated TV series Star Wars: Rebels, which showed off a lot of nods to the designs of the Original Trilogy. And now a bunch of it has found its way online.
Jedi News - Latest: Star Wars Rebels: Images From The Panel

My favourites



Greg Weisman's interview in Star Wars Insider #146 has a little bit more information on the show's main characters. He said:
We have two strong female leads in the show among our set of characters and we think they are going to be fan favorites very quickly. That's always been a personal priority for me in all the work I've done, to have a strong and diverse cast of characters, both in terms of gender and race. In Insider Interview, Greg Weisman Talks Star Wars Rebels Cast
I am so glad Filoni is staying onboard and in directorship. Even if Disney bought it out, atleast he's there to make sure that it won't be too far off mark. Now all we need is the upcoming films to be within continuity and I think we may be okay.

I wonder if Starkiller will pop into this series?
Speaking with, executive producer Dave Filoni explained that the goal of Rebels is to recapture the glory of the original trilogy:
We will see many things that are famous to Star Wars, but have not appeared on screen in a while. Star Destroyers, TIE Fighters, and Stormtroopers - basically the Empire is back and that is a big change, since, for many years, we have only seen the Republic in action. The tone of the series is also different. The Clone Wars got very dark as we headed towards the end of the war and the downfall of the Jedi. Star Wars Rebels brings back the banter and faster pace that the original films were famous for.
He also described the primary setting of the show, the planet Lothal:
Rebels takes place in the Outer Rim. The audience typically thinks of Tatooine as the place where Luke Skywalker grew up, when the Outer Rim is mentioned. We are on a more civilized planet, and one that profited from the Empire's existence in the beginning. Most of the stories take place on the planet Lothal, which is a grass planet with large monolithic stones on the surface. The look comes from some Ralph McQuarrie concept paintings that were done for the original Star Wars films. We tried to make Lothal look and feel like a planet that would have been in the original film trilogy. It's alien, but you feel like it's someplace that you could visit on Earth geographically. Hoth, Tatooine, and Endor are all like this, so we think it fits in well.

Me too, and really hoping for a decent close to Ahsoka's story.

I absolutely loved where the end of TCW was going with Ahsoka and Ventress, so I was floored when I heard of Disney cancelling.

However, I'm very much dubious about Chopper. Clearly the merchandise is coming before the narrative with Lego already in production and so forth.

I'm not sure we need a knockoff R2-D2 either. I was a bit miffed with the whole 'if R2 is a dog, then chopper is a cat'. For one I can't stand cats, for two...why? Seriously...why?

I get an Astromech developing a personality based on experiences if they've not had memory wipes, but essentially they're still there to do a job. If a robot isn't doing its job/functioning, it would be up for the chop (ha ha ha, did you see what I did there? ;)) - or perhaps more accurately, the trash compactor. There's no logic in having a droid that won't do what it's told. R2 was wilful with 3PO, not his superiors. (I am a huge Astromech fan and have about 20 figures which is why I may sound a little too invested in this subject! :D)

And Chopper's voice... well I hope that's a temporary one. It sounds like a guy going 'pwah pwah pwah' :D

Anyway, despite my anti-Chopper rant, I am very excited about this.

I'm happy with them having some other astrodroid than just the legendary r2d2, and I hope they can show other droid mentalities. Maybe even deepen our understanding of their mechanical minds, or how they see the world around them. But mostly I want to see how they portray the world after the Emperor had seized it all and how it became so bad place.
In the same letter that discussed the live-action movies, Iger also spilled a few details of the planned release for Rebels:
As with Marvel, the rich universe of Star Wars has tremendous creative potential for the entire company. While the world eagerly awaits Episode VII to open in theaters, we're introducing Star Wars Rebels to television audiences this summer with a movie and a series of shorts on Disney Channel, followed by a continuing series on Disney XD. Our success in building a robust pipeline of original Star Wars content for various platforms will be an integral part of our long-term strategy to leverage the franchise across a variety of our businesses, from theme parks to consumer products.

Disney CEO Talks ‘Star Wars Episode VII,’ Says ‘Star Wars Rebels’ Movie Coming This Summer | /Film

Meet Kanan, the brand new Jedi character from Star Wars Rebels. They call him the "Jedi Cowboy," and he likes to party.
Voiced by 90s dreamboat-turned-silver fox Freddie Prinze Jr. Kanan is one of the new characters from Star Wars Rebels. And thanks to USA Today, we have a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of this character. From what we've gleaned, he's like Han Solo mixed up with an older Luke Skywalker. The Jedi is in hiding (naturally) and has given up his Jedi ways to shoot blasters or something. It should be noted, this is the first wholly original Jedi creation since Disney took over for Lucasfilm. Check out the footage:
New Jedi Kind of Looks Like A Guy We Bought Weed from in Hawaii

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