Level 30 Geek Master
Writing 'by the seat of your pants', as opposed to meticulous Planning."pantsing"???
Writing 'by the seat of your pants', as opposed to meticulous Planning.
I take it that was your question. ;-)
I'm surprised you've never heard the term before Cathbad! But yeah, Abernovo is right.
Yes but would it inspire your writing process?
Where I come from, "pantsing" has a very different meaning.
I figured he was talking about something else.
I learned it in a thread title "are you a pantser or a plotter?"
I figured this is a quiz about revenge, or writing or both.
I've written about 5k this last week from an characters POV I've struggled with, well, more or less her initial conception. I think we finally get each other. Cue angels singing!