What are you working on right now?

Still writing Skylanders but had to revise a chapter involving a robbery as a 'small' robbery became something else which was not what I or my characters wanted.

I also started a separate notes files for the aliens. First book only involved humans, big bad aliens and one of their servant alien races, but Skylanders is writ on a more cosmopolitan (pun intended) canvas, and need reminding which race comes from which planet (I am not going the Vulcans are from the planet Vulcan approach) and outline specifics of their appearance and maybe style of name. Oh, and their loyalties, Alliance vs Republic or if neutral, their sympathies.
I am not going the Vulcans are from the planet Vulcan approach
I didn't do that for Space Mac either cos that really annoys me when the Delvians are from Delvia etc. And when the entire planet is made up of just one country!
Mouse, it's a great book anyway, but that was possibly one of my favourite moments when Mac had that moment of clarity - why should a species come from a planet with almost the same name, when he was a human from Earth? A real punch-the-air 'yes' sentence.

Definitely something I want to see more of in sff: that there might be more than one species, one nationality, one homogeneous group on a world.
<3 Thanks! Hadn't realised you'd read it already. (Or did I and I've forgotten?) Anyway, yeah, I think Teevar mentions other countries on his planet and Ral's species isn't the only dominant species on her planet etc. etc. Really want to write a follow-up at some point and do more of that sort of thing.
Just wrapped up a weird western short about the confrontation between a Texas Ranger and a (exiled) Comanche sorcerer. It worked out far better than I was expecting for such a tight word count. A couple passes of editing and it should be ready to submit.
Just finished the first draft of a scifi novel. It's my first 'proper' novel. 81628 words. It's a bit of a mess, but feels great anyway. I think I'll float on that feeling for today, and start editing in earnest tomorrow. :)
Today I went on a writing retreat and along with another writer, completely independently without any knowledge of the other's story, we both wrote the mythical bunyip into our stories. No one else in the group had heard of a bunyip, and I hadn't until about 2 weeks ago. That was 2,500 words, which I followed up with a flash piece about a boy who is taught a lesson for carving a heart into an oak tree.

The first story came from a trigger of the words "drum" and "prickle" and the second was inspired by the t-shirt I'm wearing.

I like both stories, so it must be one of my most successful writing days ever!
Fiddling with the new chapters near the end of Crown of Blood. Mixed feelings about them, but I'll get them sorted then compare to the original ending and see what works best.
Still nothing, although I want to be. I have a vague idea for an f/f paranormal short for a submission call. As for anything else... I don't know whether to start work on L&C even though I've not had any beta feedback yet, or carry on with the unfinished NaNo attempt. Or just start something else. Neeeeeed help!
Still at work on Skylanders of Draviis but glad I haven't sought a publisher for the previous book, The Hammer of God, yet as events and travel times between point A and point B had to modified slightly and caused a slight edit on Hammer, that's the thing about doing a series, continuity and world building needs to be consistent, and once published, harder to rectify.
Uhhh, I seem to be doing more research than writing right at the moment, like the electrolaser and old Roman and English names, Gods and religion and so on. I suppose it will make a better and more feasible read when it's finished...
At the moment. Nothing.
I'm finding it really difficult to find the drive to start writing.

I have so many ideas, for so many different stories, but as soon as I open a document... nothing.
I try just writing anything to get started, but it doesn't last and within 30 minutes I'm closing the document in frustration.
At the moment. Nothing.
I'm finding it really difficult to find the drive to start writing.

I have so many ideas, for so many different stories, but as soon as I open a document... nothing.
I try just writing anything to get started, but it doesn't last and within 30 minutes I'm closing the document in frustration.

I know that feeling, except my problem is getting ideas to start with. I'm writing a bit again now, thank goodness. Try having pen and paper with you, and just scribble down sentences or scenes that come to mind. Take some pressure off and things may well improve. :)
Working again on A Child of Great Promise after major family events--deaths, marriages, births, the whole kaboodle.

Presently in the Great Swampy Middle, but I have scouted bravely ahead and cut a path through the jungle. Outlines and notes lie like fallen leaves to mark the way. Now I just need to write forward. Daylight shines ahead, my scout assures me.

Meanwhile, Clio and Calliope trail behind, smirking. I hate those two.
Still nothing, although I want to be. I have a vague idea for an f/f paranormal short for a submission call. As for anything else... I don't know whether to start work on L&C even though I've not had any beta feedback yet, or carry on with the unfinished NaNo attempt. Or just start something else. Neeeeeed help!

Wait for the beta's

I'm working on my NaNo at the moment. I crossed the line @50029 words and am now on 83000 HOWEVER, much has changed...

I nearly gave up, nearly listened to my nit-pick, shovel n pick, bury that crap cause even tho I loved it mentality. Then as sure as you like the sun rose next day and I carried on ignoring myself, walking the dog and I got to thinking...What would the characters be saying to me?

from there it all came back, mostly because the characters were either strong enough to give me a good hiding or a telling off or so sappy that I felt sorry i'de written them that way. Their input helped especially when they poked fun at some of my scene's; showed me how to do it, rebelled and took the lead. I pulled myself together and they're now writing their own scene's and building their own characters.

Needless to say even if I do get it finished with their help, there really is no telling if it'll stick together. What it has done has kept me firmly on the rollercoaster; watering eyes, a somewhat tortured smile on my face with enough stops to enjoy cooking some food or grabbing coffee with friends to take me away from the hell of writing!!!

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