DISCUSSION -- March 2014 75 Word Writing Challenge

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It's great waking up and coming here to find more shortlistings: thank you so much Martin 321 and Hopewrites. Must vote today, so many greatstories to choose from. I don't suppose asking for more votes would help...? Maybe one vote for each twenty entries...? ;):)
It's great waking up and coming here to find more shortlistings: thank you so much Martin 321 and Hopewrites. Must vote today, so many greatstories to choose from. I don't suppose asking for more votes would help...? Maybe one vote for each twenty entries...? ;):)

How about one vote for each entry? :eek:
thank you very much for the shortlisting alchemist and the shorter listing hopewrites. both much appreciated

now i need to find a bit, no a lot of time to read through and choose a story to vote for...
shortlist, * shorter list, ** vote

springs: dear character

so familiar and well written

alchemist: Death rides a Black Cab*

great ironic switch

martin321: Health and Safety gone Barking Mad

HSE in the afterlife - a dangerous idea!

Aun Doorback: Lamp it or Leave it*

really good story with a fitting end

Holland: Sailing

nice modern take on an age old story

Perpetual man: the book of death**

very poignant story for me (for a complicated reason)

abernovo: Even Valkyries get the Blues:

good mythological story - always like a story with Loki in it

Ursa Major: I spoke too soon*

chilling story that reminded me a little of the critiques forum!
Thanks for shortlisting me TitaniumTi, made me happy :)
Well.. wow another vote, a good way to end a very busy day.

Many, many thanks Mr. Orange, very greatly appreciated.

I'm trying to get my vote together, and started on a short list, only it's not that short.

Everyone should once again be very, very proud of themselves, the talent from the challenge is shining very bright indeed.
I am, uh, I'm .........HAPPY!
WOW, thanks, JohnnyJet, Remedy,and Parson for listings.
And Hopewrites, your vote is extra special to me, thank you.

While trying to find out what kinda guy Death actually is, I watched a Sean Connery film from 1974,"Zardoz". What the heck was that?

Thanks for the reviews, Perp and Starbeast!!

You're welcome Culhwch.

Thanks for the lovely reviews, Starbeast and Perp. :)

You're very welcome Abernovo.


Starbeast – A trilogy in 75 words! With cool sound effects!

Thank you very much for the short listing David Evil Overlord, and the comments.

And it really is appreciated, Starbeast, Victoria, and Perpetual Man for doing these reviews. I really enjoy reading all the reviews done for everyone. :)

You are immensely welcome Crystal Haven.

Starbeast - is this the first time we’ve had three stories in 75 words.Triple fun!

Thank you very much for the short listing Glen, and the comments.

Starbeast--truly hilarious, and easily the best sound effects in the competition!

Thank you very much for the short listing Cat's Cradle, and the comments.

Blimey. Not easy. They’re all so good.
I'm sorry ye others but I’ve voted for Starbeast, especially for the sound effects and for mom having to back up to get the squirrel.

Whoa! You took me by surprise Farntfar. Thank you so much for the vote. You made my day shine brightly.

Thanks also to, Hope, Victoria, Starbeast and Perp, hope you all got a chuckle from my story.


You're welcome Bob Senior. Keep em' flying.

An outstanding and varied selection of tales from old & new chron members! It took a while for me to whittle my list down.

I had to go with Starbeast's creative & hysterical trilogy! You truly outdid yourself this time. Can't wait for the sequel.

Great Galaxy! You stunned me Johnnyjet. Thanks a megaton fro the vote and comments.

Starbeast - Talking Creatures Trilogy of Death

I nearly wavered on how fantastical this was. But SB's whacky creatures won me over with their hilarious last moments! Brilliant. (also, I don't believe the words: "Bash", "stomp", "scrap" & "flush" have ever been used before in a more perfect order! :D )

Thank you Remedy for you short listing me, and for the wonderful words. You blew me away. Thanks.

Wow. Catching up with the posts really overwhelmed me. Thanks again everybody.

Now it's time for me to read the stories one more time, and vote. Then post my list.
Phyrebrat -- With poetic language, the author creates a striking fable of inspiration.

The Judge -- This story effectively combines elements of the old and the new.

Abernovo -- A highly original and creative twist is found in this variation on an ancient myth.

Ursa major -- This darkly ironic cautionary tale points out that the devil (!) is in the details.

Culhwch -- Blending elements of high fantasy and horror, this drama is truly chilling.






crystal haven



"Pavane For a Dead Princess" by Teresa Edgerton

Simply because it was beautifully written.
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Thank you hope for the shortlisting, and Victoria for the vote!


I hope that the sheer number of stories to read is not going to seem so overwhelming that people are not put off voting. We only have two days left. (Of course I haven't voted yet, either, so I may not be the one who should be cracking the whip.*)

*I apologize to anyone who could have done without any images that may have conjured up.
Well, the sheer size of my shortlist is pretty overwhelming, that's for sure! Even with this many stories, I feel silly having 24 on a shortlist. :D Sadly, I'm going to have to chop somewhere.
After moult trimming I've got my list down to:-Hex, springs, alchemist, Bowler1, TacticalLoco, BigJ and Culhwch.

Finally I went for Springs' rather cleverly targeted piece, even if it hurt nearly as much not to vote for the others as it had cutting the list down to those.

Ouch, ouch ouch.
Finalist List

Hex - Remedy - Springs - Quellist - Victoria Silverwolf - Farntfar -

Alchemist - Bower1

- Martin321 - Aun Doorback - TacticalLoco - Karn Maeshalanadae -

David Evil Overlord - HareBrain - Johnnyjet - Hopewrites - Boneman -

Ethelredtheunredey - Lonewolfwanderer - BigJ - SleepyDormouse -

Alex, The G and T - Brev - Mosaix - Kiffinyjean - BenSt - Moonbat - Ben Senior -

Ursa Major - Culhwch


Crystal Haven - "Double Edged"
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