Well, still here I see, how wonderful that you decided to hang around. It makes me feel that I must be doing something right that you have decided to stay around. It is just awful when people cut out before the end of the party, especially without saying so much as a farewell to the host. It is enough to make me scythe... he he heh, no? Ah well it all comes down to pronunciation in the end. Let us move on with introductions shall we...
Cat’s Cradle - This take’s me back so, warriors killed by the hundred in senseless battle. Some so convinced that they are invincible that they just do not know when they have met their match and been surpassed. I must say this caught the moment perfectly, when they see something they never expected or wanted looming over them. Perfect!
ratsy - And for every one not expecting a sudden end, there are those who would crave an end, almost inevitably they are the ones that do not get it. It saddens me that they have to be turned away, but then everyone has their part to play on the great stage of life and who am I to say when they need to exit stage left.
Aun - You really do have to be careful what you wish for. But there is often more than one lesson to be learned in these cases, not only must one learn to phrase what we ask for more carefully, but also whether it is what we really want... Is power worth more than friendship?
Mr Orange - Oh, the joy of meeting old friends. It always makes me smile... There is something almost delicious in a story where bullies and their ilk get their comeuppance. Of course I would not know, I’ve never been classified as anything other than what I am...
holland - It is a great truth that one should be careful of distractions. It does depend on what one is doing, of course, but these little distractions get more precarious the more dangerous the activity one is distracted by. Gliding through the air and being distracted by three maidens singing is just asking for trouble. Believable, of course it is, believe me I have seen a lot worse....
Well would you look at that, I do believe the old hourglass has run out again. I need to excuse myself once more. A call of nature, and trust me nature is always calling me.
I’ll be back...