congratulations bowler!
your nannybot was superb!
i voted for ratsy's post apocalyptic heartwrencher.
(mosiax, you were narrowly beat by ratsy on my list, if it had been a thermal fence to give franks associates a warm welcome, that would have done it..)
my short list was mosiax's warm welcome, asheleynn's demonic tattle tale, victoria's sister act, DEO's elf on a shelf, springs imperfect happiness, ben st easy delivery, karn's spider ma'am, starbeast's port of hope, mr orange's i'm my own grandpa, glen's D.N.-oops, juliana's weather unforecast, gawain's infestation control, micheal hall's simul-flunk. mattersack's neander-enthralled, word spinners heavy metal momma, johnny jets family tree, and chrispy's full oven.
thank you starbeast for the amazing review and the listing! it made my night.
thankyou for the listings johnny jet, martin 321, parson, ratsy, farnfar and dusty! simply amazed people liked my little story.
juliana! you voted for my story! thankyou! does happy dance..
deo you voted for my story? does double happy dance.. happy happy happy!
i got my idea for my story when they aired girl interrupted around christmas.i started thinking about how we would view the christmas story today.
how we label things and catagorize them.
i wrote my story from joeseph'spoint of view because i think his part in things is a little underrated.
a dad is an important part of a family. even though lots of family's don't have them.
once again, congratulations bowler on nannybots last seaside vacation