DISCUSSION -- October 2014 300-word Writing Challenge (#15)

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The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and I'm definitely on my way there... But the Barbarians vs Australia (36-40) was such a good game, and you have to have a beer or two, don't you? And then another after the game to let as much of the crowd go home as possible, so you're not queuing for hours at the station. And then one at the pub because an hour after the game finished there were still thousands trying to get through the barriers onto the platforms. I stopped drinking 40 minutes before we finally left (didn't want to get caught short on a train with no toilets), and by the time I got home, intending to flash out the idea I'd had for the 300 worder, my brain was focused on dinner and falling asleep in front of the telly...

So, no entry from me this time, but I'm looking forward to voting!
I stopped drinking 40 minutes before we finally left (didn't want to get caught short on a train with no toilets), and by the time I got home, intending to flash out the idea I'd had for the 300 worder
I thought the Baa-Baas played on the 1st of November, and so after the 300-word Challenge had already closed.

Perhaps it's time to ease back on those beers.... ;):)
I think your problems with those doors would knock anyone sideways.
I hope mods and members don't mind if I cheekily dash in here and publicise the Sekrit Santa 5 challenge that will be starting in the next few days. I'm aware some are doing NaNoWriMo so we have a longer writing period this time. (and let's face it, there's always a few of us who are late!)

Oh, and @Karn! Thanks!!!! That's really cheered me up on this horrid grey day in Zone 3.

Making any sort of static decision was much more difficult than I expected (and there was me thinking three votes would make it easier!), but I think I finally got my shortlist: Cat's Cradle, Juliana, mosaix, ratsy, Remedy and Perpetual Man.

Voting for CC, ratsy and Perpetual Man.
Now I've read the rest of this thread properly (tried to avoid it in between stories ending and me voting for them!)...
Thank you so much for my shortlist mentions: springs, Mr Orange and Juliana and to DEO for my vote :D

and Victoria, thank you for the review - Morality is in the Conscience of the Bethinker...would have been a good title!
I was just finalizing my list and I see another vote! Thank you so much Darkchrome.

My votes went to three excellent stories this month, and even though I took a slight lead somehow (this is a new feeling) I had to vote for the ones I thought deserved it.

Votes: Juliana, Mosaix and The Judge. All three were fantastic entries and I'm happy to have any votes against those stories!

I want to give a shout out to a couple stories.

Farntfar , for the line "Fluke! I am not your father!" ... that was gold
And DEO, for the doozy 'one knight stand'

Special mention to Mouse for writing a story that sounded awesome but made me feel really stupid because I had no idea what was going on. I cannot wait to hear the story behind the story. (did someone feed you a strange brownie?)
I think Mouse's story doesn't fully translate over the water, sadly. But I'll give a shout out to all my US (and Canada) friends who haven't seen the inimitable Father Ted's Eurovision entry:

It's considered funny here. Sorry. No wonder half of the Chrons don't get my jokes... ;)
Voting for CC, ratsy and Perpetual Man.

Dear God, a vote! Wow, thank's so much Darkchrome! It is truly appreciated! THAT will cheer a person up on a cold, snowy morning! :)

ps--I also admired Mouse's story, but did not understand it! I shall watch the video, springs, and seek enlightenment! :)
I understand Springs, but being Irish helps.

Thank you for my mention Mr Orange. I've been very busy at work so I've not had a chance to get my votes in yet, but I will, I promise.
Interesting batch.

Votes to Talysia for enchantment, to Juliana for unseelie humour and to holland for grit.

Honourable mentions to David Evil Overlord for "one knight stand" - because puns and the hazards of magic are closer than you think, - and to Culhwch for twisting a faery tale even further.
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