Thanks to ratsy and johnnyjet for honoring my entry with votes.
It's interesting to note that nobody correctly guessed my authorship.
For whatever it might be worth, I might offer a little background on my thoughts during the creation of my story. As soon as I saw the theme, I wanted to deal with the extinction of a species. But which one? The dodo has been done (notably in the award-winning story "The Ugly Chickens" by Howard Waldrop.) I then thought of the passenger pigeon, probably the second most famous extinction in historic time. A little research gave me the facts which I supply in the story. I noted that Martha died in 1914, which immediately made me think of the Great War. This naturally led me to link humanity's destruction of other creatures with its destruction of itself. This gave me my punchline. To build up to this without giving too much away at the start, I came up with the "lecture" structure. The chronoscope was to clue the reader that this was the future; the phrase "a few centuries" combined with the reference to the passenger pigeon was to make it clear that this was not extremely far in the future. I chose the bland name "Professor Brown" as one that might be a translation of an alien name, since it's a color, instead of something like "Jones," which would have been cheating the reader (instead of fairly misleading the reader, if you see what I mean.) Since the story consisted entirely of one character's dialogue alternating with narration, I decided to make it all one paragraph, a decision I am still not sure about.