DISCUSSION -- January 2015 75 Word Writing Challenge

Thanks heaps for the review Perp. As always you make my story sound grandiose and deep beyond what it deserves.

Nice to have you back on the reviewing wagon
Thanks heaps for the review Perp. As always you make my story sound grandiose and deep beyond what it deserves.

Nice to have you back on the reviewing wagon

A pleasure, it's good to be back.

I'm having a few problems with my story, I had an idea knocked into near shape then had another idea, thought I'd see how that turned out, just about finished then another idea crept into my head. Sigh. Now I don't know which one to go with.
Oh we're just messing around...no slaps needed. Okay just a light one...
And None Shall Sleep - (@reiver33 ) Different point of view for me, made me feel that maybe just maybe there are living things that maybe also feel the things we do. Love is for everyone!

Me or You -(@Michael Colton ) When the love for something regularly shadows real love, I cannot help but feel sorry for the person. Wither it is drugs, food or any kind addiction.

In a Dream - (@ddawson ) When life reaches a point where the only place you find love and happiness is your sub-conscious, one can only hope it will get better.

A Telling Choice - (@Mr Orange ) Feeling that one made the wrong choice when you made the right one, but ultimately accordingly to love made the wrong one, is something that will drive any man or woman crazy.

Work Will Make you Free - (@Bowler1 ) Parents ultimately knows best, maybe they knew left is death and doom. Who will ever know?

On another note, it is great to see so many entries, and good ones as well. Keep it up guys...

PS : Sorry for late reviews, were bit captured in a re-write....
Oh, the ladies around here don't give light slaps. I still feel the ones TE's dished out on me...

Karn makes a very valid point, so I have decided to amend my statement, to I'm writing for the fun of it rather than to attract votes. This is especially true as the talent here is just so phenomenal it is pointless doing anything but for fun.

Besides although Teresa does indeed have a mean slap, it was Nixie who could deliver the killer face-shocker...



Bowler 1 - A rather emotional story that tells a tale from a terrible time. In some ways it starts of like a child being forced down a path that it does not want to go down, parental pressure making them doing something that they do not want to. It rapidly becomes clearer that it is more literal, a sacrifice of love. Allowing a child to live at the cost of their own lives.

Perp - Oh good lord. What planet is he on now?
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Chris – For me a hard story to get to grips with, possibly because it feels as though a lot of it had to be purged in the editing process. As always from this writer, we are given a lot to think about, coming at the challenge from a different angle but with the underlying message that sometime, no matter how hard things might seem, the end is worth the journey.
DEO - There is the old saying, 'Be careful what you wish for' and this entertaining story more than lives up to that warning. It is funny how far love can drive people, to resurrect a dead lover, to be able to convince a twin to exchange their lives for their sibling. But through it all there is the unhidden warning of a price, and sooner or later that has to be paid. In this instance it apparently comes with quite a bite...

Glen - Is love always enough? It is a question that should be easy to answer but it is not always the response one desires. Here it would seem that doing good for others, those that you come to love can outweigh ones love for another, especially when there is so much more that can be done. It is a thought-provoking, and real feeling story.
David Evil Overlord -- This hard-boiled urban fantasy carries an ironic twist in its intricately constructed plot.

Glen -- The author poignantly conveys the struggle between self and others in this subtle and evocative story.
