DISCUSSION -- April 2015 300-word Writing Challenge (#17)

The idea came to me while commuting, as most things do. I've been madly whittling it down to 299 words. Not counting the title, one hopes? Eagerly awaiting tomorrow when I can post. Say, is that Greenwich mean time? I'm in California so is it already tomorrow in the U.K.?
Yep, it's the 10th here, and Ursa has opened the Challenge thread! (No entries after nearly an hour -- must be a record.)

The title isn't included in the word count, Denise, so you're safe that way. Do just check the total by finger power though (ie don't rely on the computer word count to do it for you) and be especially careful around compound words and words with hyphens -- check with one of us in cases of doubt.

Let the stories roll! Good luck everyone.
Darn, I didn't want to be first in line again! I waited till I couldn't deny my need-to-post-story tremors any longer, and so I am in...it's a silly little thing, but I hope you all find it entertaining.

And now, I'm the lucky one! I get to sit back and read the other stories as they role in. I'm greatly looking forward to it! :)
Your entry was a lot of fun, CC! Jo, now why on earth did I keep humming 'Lucy in the sky with diamonds' when I read yours? :D Creepy, though!

Can't help. No danger of me saying too much this month - I ain't got a clue where it came from. It just popped in. At least this time I didn't frizzle anyone. I just got 'em all stoned instead. :D
:) Thank you springs err, Jo! (I just learned how to strike-through for my 300 word story, and am happy to have the chance to use the knowledge again, so soon!:)) And thank you Juliana! I'm so happy at both of your reactions...creating a smile is terrific, and Juliana, all I hoped for the piece is that it seemed fun, so I'm happy to see your comment.

I really dug each of your stories, too! Jo, the darkness of your tale was delicious, and Juliana, as always your story is terrifically effective. Very nice, both of you. :)

Nicely done to you, as well, Denise! And thank you ratsy! There have been months in these challenges when I made the mistake of reading the posted stories before writing my own, and I'd just feel like giving up because the others were so good. But I try to just improve my own writing, not best someone else's. It's amazing how much progress you can make when you see your own story alongside ones that you admire...it's so inspirational.

Well, enough of me...I have just one question...where are all the other stories?? :)
I think this is my favorite challenge, seeing how everyone responds to the same photo. CC, is there a way to strikethrough without using some external tool, then copy & pasting?
The strike-through is found by hitting the Insert button (third to the right of the smiley thing, just before the camera icon) and a list of insertable things comes up, and it's at the bottom.
I just posted mine. This is one of the rare times I entered a challage on the first day. Well, I did had nine days to think of something. Inspiration struck me as I first glanced at the new photo. Plan A and Plan B. I choose B.

I'll take care of a few things and return.

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