Discussion thread -- October 2015 75-word Writing Challenge

Brilliant, Tim. Though I did have to use google translate (just to double check of course:rolleyes:) and it informs me that reading my story gave you 'ache brain'(n) ... So uhh, sorry bout that.
I was planning to sit on mine (not literally) for a few days, just in case I had any grand revelations.
But I guess I must have slipped... :cautious:

Great theme, by the way Cul/Holland (y)
Okay, If it weren't for Google Translate, I wouldn't have any idea what you said Tim.

Old joke: "If a person who speaks two languages is bi-lingual and a person who speaks three languages is tri-lingual; what do you call a person who speaks only one language? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "An American."
Okay, I'm hoping no one thinks that I am a linguistic genius with the reviews this month. I am cheating with the translations. A little. Maybe a lot.

Just to warn you, when using the translation software there is not always a direct translation, so what was initially said might not be what you get to see.

Brain ache, is I believe 'made my head hurt,' which is meant to be a tribute to the thought and creativity that went into the story, as opposed to literally giving me a headache.

I'll try and remember to put up the original 'English/Gibberish' comments up at the end of the month.

I was originally going to do them all in French, but thought that narrowed the language too specifically, so am working my way around the world. :D Just wait until we start getting really obscure languages!

Which reminds me:

Merci Victoria, ce fut un plaisir.
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Just to warn you, when using the translation software there is not always a direct translation, so what was initially said might not be what you get to see.

The one in Portuguese mostly makes sense... Mostly. :D

You and Victoria really pushed the bar up with the reviews this month!!! Fantastic, both of you.
Ashleyne - Це життя собаки, коли іноземці приїжджають до міста і неуцтво дійсно може бути блаженства, тому що спілкування можливе, якщо ви не знаєте, що ви говорите- і речей, які ми б не уявити собі, насправді може працювати в чужій руки.
I'm going to wait till the end of the entry period so that Tim has to use Navajo or something like that for the review.
I call dibs on Egyptian Hieroglyphics. I want to read my review out loud on Halloween and call up live Mummys and Boogles From the underworld. :D
And here I was just thinking, oh dear -- what language will he have to come up with by the time I get mine in with seconds to spare? :D

Note: if you need Navajo, I can run it next door or take it to work and get a translation for you, but I'm not sure we have that many punctuation marks here.
And here I was just thinking, oh dear -- what language will he have to come up with by the time I get mine in with seconds to spare? :D

Note: if you need Navajo, I can run it next door or take it to work and get a translation for you, but I'm not sure we have that many punctuation marks here.
Something Serengeti-ish, surely? To go with your esteemed stripiness?
Okay, I'm in. Another month where I'm just throwing something in for the heck of it. You guys a seriously good. I tried, I really tried for something serious, but ended up with this.
