A Plume of Smoke
I assume that the silence is verdict - my hypothesis is crap.
Alia said:I still don't see the connection between Radegundis and the Lady of Battles, yes I realize they are both saints... do you think that the saints all work together?
Moral Code... The arguement that snotty Tallia states is that the Diasan died for thier sins, much like christian beliefs. The church doesn't belive this at the moment. They had a counsel and decided against this. But there is a scroll that mentions it, Angus the frater mentioned in KD. If Alain is to be the new Diasan then what is he going to save the people from? Surely not their sins... The first Diasan did this...
And Lacey... where are you in the story?
The thought I had was not working against each other, but rather each worked independantly of one another... they each did their own thing... I don't believe this true, it was merely a thought while reading Lacey's post. I think the saints all work toward the greater good.There is a possibility that in this religion the saints all work together (honestly, I don't think they'd work against each other- kind of counter-productive).
Alia said:And I thought a lot about Earos's ideas about Alain just being pure of heart... Nay.. it's crap, Hanna has a pure heart too and she hasn't done anything like Alain.
Nope there is something special about Alain...
My thoughts about Alain is he is either half angel or half God...
Never did I say your ideas were 'crap'. It's actually taken me this long to think up a reason why it might not be possible. Yes, there is still that possiblity that your right, which I do believe you are, but I wanted to throw the Hanna thing out there to see what you thought. And see, now I'm going to stew on if Alain had ever been fooled... I think he has with the Count and being his son. (That's my first thought anyways) And btw, your idea holds a lot of merit... especially compared to Lacey's.LOL, when alia said she was interested in my ideas on the series, I was confused I thought my ideas were "crap" to begin with... So now that she has come to her senses and agrees with me... I almost feel disappointed... LOL
I read a passage in TBS sometime ago, that made me wonder if there isn't a hidden war that we are just catching glimpses of. A war of an anti-christ like figure, one that Alain was born to stop. This topic was talked about on Kate's forum too, but it really never went anywhere, if I remember right. (And it wasn't me who brought it up, it was Mac is Back) I think this is Alain's destiny... but I still have no clue as to his heritage. I'm still leaning toward half 'god' or 'angel'.Or maybe he is here to battle the "anti-christ" (althought the anti-christ may have negative conotations, if my memory serves, the anit-christ is the second coming of christ... only this time there will be a judgement passed).
Do you really think that being born half 'god' would cheapen him? I think he deserves nothing less than that title personally, he has earned that. This is where I disagree with you, Earos. The only problem is, I can't find info to back up my theory and that's what bugs me. I'm sure when the last two books come out and you find out your right you'll be rubbing it in. And I will accept it with my head hung low... crying.Alain as a "normal", or simply "favored by the gods" type of guy is inspiring in a way... By slapping a magic or supernatural label on him... it cheapins him and his struggles... The way miss Elliott has written him... even if he turns out to be something other then pure of heart, he will have earned it... Not born with it like liath and sanglant...
I think the gender thread put everyone off... glad your back now though!sorry for my overlong absence, but the gender thread kinda put me off for a bit... That and my life has been rather hectic lately... I should be back trolling a bit more (mostly so I can defend my ideas! I love a good exchange of ideas and debate).
I know what you mean alia... I thought the series was done or would be soon... that was almost a year and a half ago... think they next book comes out in october... ?? so not much longer now...