Gold Fantasy
New Strange Bedfellows - Nice Bond villain touch.
Alchemy - I love the change of heart through magic.
The Color of Gold is Green - Get that map! Excellent.
The Darkest Magic - "Economancy". That's outstanding.
Silver Unicorn & Golden Karma - A unicorn has a real bad day.
True Value - Beautiful tale of size and honor.
Read Between the Lines - You got me wanting more.
Just what it says on the tin. - Speak the words properly. Heh heh.
Useless Stuff - Another way to look at gold. Very cool.
The Last Quest Of Sir Anselm The Younger, Knight - A family business, indeed.
Blind Greed - Jeepers creepers, I know where you got them eyes. Great.
Climbing Olympus - Marvelous mythical sporting event.
The Prospector - A poor victim of a robbery. Tremendous drama.
The Gilded Warrior - Intense brother against brother tale.
Melting Point - Grim, but great sorcery story.
Crown Of The Heavens - Epic. I want more.
Insight - Awesome Gold Stalker horror tale.
Beneath The Mines of Darmiir - Warrior vs Monster. I love it.
All that Glitters - A quest to save a community. Fantastic.
R & R - Thanks for the laugh. Where is this store?
Auld Gold - Delightful and disturbing. Well done.
Dark Arts - I love the turn around in this story.
Spinning a Yarn - A near fortune. Sad, but great tale.
Fragile Unity - Fork over the yellow, fellow! Excellent.
Be Careful In The Dragon's Lair, Lest You End Up 'Medium Rare'. - Thanks for the laugh. Great title too.
I was originally going to mark all of the stories "RED", to identify my finalist selections, but then I noticed I marked 98% of them(in short, I liked all of the tales). So I marked only the one I finally (FINALLY) chose for my vote. Another great group of stories this month.
I guess I'm like the others, I can't choose who wrote what.