September: What have you been reading?

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Finished weird western Seven Cities of Old. I don't really do "fun", but this was fun plus some interesting ideas, and I enjoyed it, though it's unlikely to linger in my mind.

Now onto a real curiosity, a book by Robert Graves I'd never heard of before called Seven Days in New Crete. I paid too much for it in a second-hand bookshop because it's based on an intriguing idea (given my writing themes) and it was a first edition. I haven't googled it yet -- waiting till I've finished -- but I suspect it was an only edition.
I think Cyroburn was a weak book (although the end was good)

Cryoburn is interesting as the mass social misuse of technology.

I am working at a highschool where they have students reading about igneous rocks from computers hooked to the Internet. Ridiculous!

I am reading Cyteen by C. J. Cherryh. Too many infodumps though the question of human genetic engineering is relevant.

Now onto a real curiosity, a book by Robert Graves I'd never heard of before called Seven Days in New Crete. I paid too much for it in a second-hand bookshop because it's based on an intriguing idea (given my writing themes) and it was a first edition. I haven't googled it yet -- waiting till I've finished -- but I suspect it was an only edition.

Actually a fairly well-known book. I'm not positive, but I think I have an old paperback of it in Mount TBR.

Randy M.
Bit sleepy. I thought that said Cryobum at first :p

Cryobum - he had a heart of ice, and buttocks to match.
Actually a fairly well-known book. I'm not positive, but I think I have an old paperback of it in Mount TBR.

Ah, I'm glad someone's heard of it. As I said, I've resisted looking it up. I'll be sure to let you know whether I think it belongs near the summit or in the foothills!
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