DISCUSSION -- October 2016 300-word Writing Challenge (#23)

Firstly, congratulations to Heijan Xavier on the birth of your child. Massive news.
Many thanks to Mr O and Ursa for the votes.
Too many fine writers snapping at my heels to mention. You know who you are.
And finally: WOW! I've always found the 300's to be intimidating. So many extraordinary stories month in month out. I enter for the fun of it, never expecting a vote. I usually get my wish. :sneaky: Now, after six years, this. Thank you so much for all the mentions and votes. I'm flabberblasted.

Congrats, Drof!
Congratulations Droflet


And many huge THANKS YOUs to:
for the awesome votes. And many more big THANK YOUs for everyone who mentioned me in their lists.

Plus, a giant WELL DONE to everyone who entered the challenge. And a gargantuan THANK YOU, to the lovely and wonderful @Victoria Silverwolf for her reviews.

I was away for a while, and quite stunned on my return.

MY STORY: I was inspired by The Three Stooges and Abbott & Costello. But I wanted to do a monster tale for Halloween, so I chose Dr Frankenstein's creature.
Congrats, Drof :)

And thanks to Chris, Crystal, Starbeast and Hazelrah for my votes, and everyone else who mentioned my story... Though I have to confess, ive been guilt-ridden for weeks over this, it wasn't actually my story.

Months ago, when my cat was just a kitten, I managed to catch her on video trying to join in with my writing. I thought it was just a phase, tryng to play with my fingers as they tapped the keys, but apparently not. She must have been practising while I was away, cause I opened my word files to find this kitty discourse all laid out and ready to post. I couldn't resist giving her a few moments of Internet fame for something other than her brethren get theirs for (falling in baths, woofing like dogs and pushing things from mantle pieces).

So I shall be sure to tell her about all the votes and mentions :)
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Congratulations, Drof!

Very clever story, and a deserved winner. It missed out on another vote fro me by a whisker. Luckily you didn't need it. Plus, your victory after 6 years of trying gives me hope that I too one day might scale that mountain.

My own story was really a last-minute piece of Dadaist, surrealistic whimsy that I picked out from the corner of my brain just as the deadline started to loom, so imagine my surprise when it snared five votes. I thought it'd be a bit too "out there" to get more than a couple, so I'm chuffed with that.

Cobra Beer Bottled Clanking thanks yous to everyone who mentioned my story, and Punkbird scattering, Fintangolees Femed Fanks to Harebrain, Mr Orange, Wruter, Cory Swanson and Coast for those votes.
Congrats @Droflet. I must admit to be a bit self impressed with myself that my three votes were for the eventual top three - you can all pay me later.

Thanks for the votes @Perpetual Man and @Droflet plus mentions folks.

I must admit to being stumped at first. However my tale went from a leering creepy old bloke scaring local kids to a mooning dwarf scaring hard nosed orcs. My train of thought often gets derailed but this one got to the station in the end... the wrong station maybe but at least it got there.
Congrats, Droflet. I didn't have time to write up a shortlist this month but yours was definitely on it. Very clever! Apologies to the other folks for the stealth votes.

I was pretty disappointed with my own effort this month. I really struggled to come up with anything at first and then ended up fixating on the blackness of the window glass. I didn't hate the premise I came up with but it never really clicked somehow, not like my previous efforts. The ending, particularly, felt like a cop-out but I simply couldn't think of anything better. Also, I only spotted yesterday that I'd used 'turning it in her hands' twice in the opening sentences. Must try harder next time!
If anyone was a bit confused by some of the things in my entry, the answer may be found in the title (acrostically speaking...).
