DISCUSSION -- October 2017 300-Word Writing Challenge (#27)


  • 18198458_10212422822263570_2687864385440424366_n.jpg
    68.5 KB · Views: 201
You can also try e-mailing her the image.
The other thing you could try @Victoria Silverwolf, is making sure your browser and firewall settings allow pictures from this site. There should be settings along the lines of "always block pictures from this site", "ask about pictures from this site", and "always allow pictures from this site". If this is the problem, setting it to "always allow" should fix it.
At first, I had a brilliant idea. It turned out not so brilliant. So back to the drawing board, a familiar place, and I recreated my story. This version I like a lot better.

In other news, it's been one of those days that I wanted to go back to bed so I could start the day all over again.
I got a story down on the first day, straight up. Now I'm just tweaking the wording to fit the word cap.

I've been out of the game for a while, but I tell ya, this one is a contender people! :LOL:
I get the feeling that, come October 10th, there's gonna be a couple of dozen stories getting slammed in as soon as the thread is unlocked :D
I get the feeling that, come October 10th, there's gonna be a couple of dozen stories getting slammed in as soon as the thread is unlocked :D

I haven't started, which is weird for me. An idea in my head is still only half realized.
I like your story, Ashleyne! Terrific ending. (Also, very happy I didn't end up first! ;))

I'm in, too. This photo just spoke to me (though hopefully not in the same voice as is in my story!). Wish I could write another for this, but I'll Live vicariously the rest of the challenge through the other entries. Best of luck with your stories, everyone, CC
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You can write another for this, you just can't post it anywhere until all the voting is finished. So get scribbling! (Not sure if the posted one is a funny or creepy story -- creepily funny, perhaps! And Ashleyne, that's a very sweet tale.)
Hah! Maybe I will!! (Mine's meant as a fond satire, so your reaction is exactly what I was hoping for.:))
Go for it. I've written several entries in the past and had to choose between them at the last minute. It can be heart-breaking, but since you've already entered...
Still doing final edit on mine.
This time I'm having a go at something really sentimental and mawkish :)
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