Old Tech thread

TV-8-301 Sony portable television, 1959.

Victorians always look so miserable in photographs.
The exposure time could be upwards of three months, meaning holding a smile could produce permanent cramping of the facial muscles.

People think beards became popular during Victorian times because of the Crimean war, but they were all grown while sitting for photographic portraits.
Oooh. I want a half inch floppy disc drive in my watch (and a real floppy floppy disc at that. You must be able to save all 500 bytes on that.)
I like the "Your courtesy in mentioning the Magazine when writing will be appreciated".
The first carphone...


From an article in the March 21, 1920 Sandusky Register
A man with a box slung over his shoulder and holding in one hand three pieces of stove pipe placed side by side on a board climbed into an automobile on East Country Road, Elkins Park, Pa.
As he settled in the machine he picked up a telephone transmitter, set on a short handle, and said:
“We are going to run down the road. Can you hear me?”
Other passengers in the automobile, all wearing telephone receivers, heard a woman’s voice answering: “Yes, perfectly. Where are you?”
By this time the machine was several hundred yards down the road and the voice in the garage was distinctly heard.

