Salome (almost certainly not her real name, possibly Herodias, same as Herod's wife) is Terpsicorean, delighting in music and rhythm - she demands at least verse, and, had there been a mode to incorporate audio into the challenges, would probably have been sung (aren't you lucky there isn't?)Interesting that we got two poems on Salome, and so closely together.
I think this is a great theme and genre, and certainly gets the brain juice pumping in a different way. Does anyone else seem to get slightly more motivated when the genre/theme choice are a bit more "out there?"
So if two of us rend the veil to feature her, no wonder both choose to honour Euterpe (in weird incarnation). And seeing how much longer it takes to build verse than prose, each word needing to transmit rhythm as well as meaning, and final words of lines to be even more rigidly controlled, it is far more difficult for someone to say 'Oh look! That idea's already been used. Never mind, I'll scrap it and do something different'.