But would you want to commit to never having children? There will be no room for the following generations if none of us ever die.
if you weren’t prepared to give up parenthood, I suppose you could try to kill everyone who isn’t a family member or friend (before they become immortal, of course!) and make room for your descendants that way. It’s a tried and tested method, very popular with invaders. Or if they were already immortal you could nail them into boxes, stack them in a giant space ship and shoot them into the Sun. That might involve a substantial amount of deforestation, of course, but it would cause less pollution than if you cremated them all here, on Earth. If you just pointed their ship at the stars and told them to find another world they might come back to wreak their revenge at a later date, so it’s probably wise to be ‘cruel to be kind’ under the circumstances.
I’m reminded of a Star Trek episode where Captain Kirk is kidnapped and locked in a room with a beautiful woman. Unfortunately, all she wants from him is the Venusian Swine Fever (or some such disease) which almost killed him as a child, so that she can give the people on her terminally over-crowded planet the gift of death.