May / June 100 Word Anonymous Challenge Discussion

Always Make Sure it’s a Head Shot - good advice with zombies and immortals.

Small Talk Over Breakfast - perspective is everything.​

Near-forgotten gods - immortality would be tough without a purpose to your life.
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Eternity - another family atomised by social media.

A Promise Kept - fabled heroes return in the hour of our greatest need.
Firebird - immortality or reincarnation - which would you prefer?
Tithonus, I - such loneliness, to be the last immortal and to be old.

Contact - a voice from the darkness brings light.
What does it mean to die? - immortality sets you up for an eternity of loss.
Charade - some people really enjoy a good funeral!

Planck’s variable - a couple of chums fiddle with the next universe’s basic set-up.
The Afterlife just ain’t what it used to be. - promises, promises.

Happy Ending? - real happiness is worth taking a big chance for.
I guess all those folks who wait until the last minute before submitting their stories must be buffing them up with a vengeance right now. Is there a statistical correlation between votes received and lateness of submission? I suspect that you might risk your story not being read when it’s at the end of a very long line of stories.
I suspect that you might risk your story not being read when it’s at the end of a very long line of stories.
I've wondered the same thing. Or perhaps the late entries suffer from 'reading fatigue' so they don't really register with the reader. I've sometimes read the entries in reverse order, just in case.
I always read the stories more than once. And the first round I usually divide in 2 or 3 sessions, just to prevent story-fatigue. After that you have a fairly good idea of what stories will get on your long list.
Anyway, posting early or late can depend on a number of things and not necessarily out of strategical considerations. But if you want to know if posting late helps you win a challenge, ask our champion last-minute-poster @Ursa major.
I've wondered the same thing. Or perhaps the late entries suffer from 'reading fatigue' so they don't really register with the reader. I've sometimes read the entries in reverse order, just in case.
That’s really big-hearted of you, almost professional. Are you being paid to do it?!
Our Turn - infamy, like fame, is another form of immortality. Perhaps the only one we deserve.

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