DISCUSSION THREAD -- 300 Word Writing Challenge #54 (July 2024)

The Judge

Truth. Order. Moderation.
Staff member
Nov 10, 2008
nearly the New Forest
With the beginning of July we have a new 300 Writing Challenge!

The thread is drafted and just waiting for someone with more technical expertise than I possess to insert the inspiration image, but while you're waiting for it to appear start thinking stairways and columns... (HB is expecting a ream of Piranesi rip-offs, but personally, I'm hoping for lots of Wedgwood china!)

As ever, the Challenge thread itself will be locked until the 10th, allowing plenty of time for consideration, writing and revising, but this thread is immediately open for comment, thoughts and natter!

Good luck everyone!
The thread, complete with image thanks to Ursa major, is now up!

My granddaughter took one look at the picture and said "Creepy." So I expect that there will be Horror stories. But I'm not going to write a horror story.
Saw the photo, thought it would be difficult, then *whoosh* and a complete (non-Piranesi, non-horror :)) piece arrives. Think it might be even less popular than my usual offerings :LOL:, but I'll go with it.
Never read Piranesi, Though it sounds to have something of The Magus about it.
I wrote my entry before checking Piranesi out. Naturally it didn't make a jot of difference to the inevitable outcome :rolleyes:

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