The Judge: The fantasy content of this tale of retribution is truly unique, revealing great imagination. Images verging on surrealism become very real through the use of telling details.
Starbeast: The rollicking merriment of this madcap comedy is sure to raise a smile. Its slapstick antics are entirely benign, without a trace of cruelty.
chrispenycate: The calm, quiet, matter-of-fact narrative style of this tale of the extraordinary makes its wonders seem believable. What begins as a description of the specific ends as a meditation upon the general.
paranoid marvin: This chilling story of revenge draws the reader in with its memorable characters. Beyond its thrills, it also ponders the question of whether "an eye for an eye" is justifiable.
Mad Alice: The mixture of ancient and modern found in this work creates a true sense of timelessness. In such a setting, the most remarkable happenings seem plausible.
Ursa major: In the tradition of Socratic dialogues, this philosophical discussion raises many issues concerning the meaning of existence. Appropriately, there can be no final answers.
Voting was tough. Suffice to say that I wound up choosing:
Astro Pen