Favorite Quotes from the books.

theres nuthin wrong with bein a mountain fan. i liked him, even if ya didnt really see that much of him. just his reputation n the fact that he was this massive bloke with this huge sword is enuf for me to think hes cool. too bad hes dead. i reakon a showdown between him n the hound would have been good. dunno who i woulda went for. prolly the hound tho. anyways fav quotes.... prolly one littlefinger did "life is not a song sweetling. maybe one day u will learn that to ur sorrow" when he said that to sansa. he tried to warn her ay, stupid girl.
my thinking is, the internet is the same as txt. u abrieviate and misspell. who cares about grammer? if ive offended then sorry lol. yeah, sansa is startin to get interestin, but at the time of the quote she was a pain. but the sansa chapters r only interesting cos little finger is in them.
Actually bub, and Im not being critical about your writing style just pointing out the obvious, its actually one those pesky rule things not to post in semi-incoherent text speak...

5. The chronicles network forum is a discussion forum, not a text messaging service. Please endeavour to write words intstead of text messages, as txt mssgs are liable to be removed.

And for the record, you abbreviate and misspell....I endeavor not to (and yes I dont always succeed ), and I do care about grammar. That answers most of those questions.

I actually agree with you that Sansa chapters are Petyr-dependent to be interesting. But heres the thing, George spins all his characters around eventually til theyre interesting or at least redeemed. I have faith she'll be interesting, but for now Id rather read about Arya or UnCat or even (gasp!) Brienne
who cares about grammer?

Ahhhh kids these days...no offence taken (I was just wanking your chain:p ), but I guess one would not care about grammar if they spelled it like that :D

Yes, Littlefinger is interesting but it will be Sansa that will make it in the end, not Littlefinger.
OK, OK enough Sansa talk.

How about this as a quote (it's from the preview Tyrion chapter for ADWD)

The fat man looked down and smiled. "A drunken dwarf," he said, in the Common Tongue of Westeros.
"A rotting sea cow." Tyrion's mouth was full of blood. He spat it at the fat man's feet.

Nothing lifts one's spirit like a dose of Tyrion.
Dunno whether this one has been done or not, but here goes

Tyrion: "Cercei thinks I'm a mushroom. She keeps me in the dark and feeds me ****."

Tyrion is the funniest character in the world of fantasy!
Ah, found the quotes thread, thanks winter sorrow. Keep it coming guys.

All I can remember is "You know nothing Jon Snow"

And the bit about Jon's advice to Arya how to use needle, can't remember exactly: stick the pointy end? ... or something.

Got to reread the series again.
Found some more. At Craster's:

Dolorous Edd : Now, Divenn says that we must learn to ride dead horses like Others do. He says that we would save on horse food. How much can dead horse eat? But I don't like the idea. If they learn how to ride dead horses we are next. And I would probably be first. Edd,they will say, if you are dead that is not the reason to lay still. Now take this spear and you are on the watch.
Jaimie Lannister on Cleos Frey..........
" Ser Cleos looked like a weasel, fought like a goose , and had the courage of an especially brave ewe! " ROFLMAO...........too funny!!
Pip (to Grenn): You can't even eat a rat.
Grenn: I would eat more than you.
D. Edd: In my house we were eating rats only on holydays. I was the youngest and always getting tail. There is no meat on tail.

Pip: You are so stupid that if bear attacks you in the forest you won't think to run away.
Grenn: I would run faster than you.(thinking) Wait a second...

Jonn Snow( speaking to Samm): I have to go to Old Bear. If I don't feed him enough he start's to make noise.
I think we can all just agree that anything out of Dolorous Edds mouth (the character not the poster....no offense bub) is the most hilarious thing in a chapter.

Tyrion is clever, but no one is as dry as Dolorous Edd.
The King pointed a finger at him. " I give you fair warning. If you force me to take my castle by storm, you may expect no mercy. I will hang you all for traitors, every one of you."
"As the gods will it. Bring on your storm, my lord-and recall, if you do, the name of this castle." Ser Cortnay gave a pull on his reins and rode back toward the gate.
Jaime: What to do with Cersei.

Ser Ilyn drew a finger across his throat.

Jaime: "You talk too much."

I can't figure out which one I like better, Ilyn or Jaime's quote.
This is somewhere from the iron isles-chapters (Feast for Crows, page 236):

“This will be history, alive…”
“I prefer my history dead. Dead history is writ in ink, the living sort in blood.”
It's gotta be Arya, every time. If she dies, I'm not quite sure what I'd do. Anyways, here's the quote:
"Dareon is dead. The black singer who was sleeping at the Happy Port. He was really a deserter from the night's watch. Someone slit his throat and pushed him into a canal, but they kept his boots"
"Good boots are hard to find"
"Just so" She tried to keep her face still.
"Who could have done this thing, I wonder?"
"Arya of House Stark."

That scene is magic. I love it.

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