Highlander TV Series: Villian

hmmm -- let's see -- how does one classify 'villain' --

i mean -- is a villain a character who has a recurring role? like Kalas or Kronos or James Horton (******* that he was who wouldn't freakin' die tho he's mortal) -- or any of the K'immies that were on the show??

to me - a villain would be someone who comes back once or twice -- those k'immies who get whacked they're first ep out -- they're just bad guys -- villains, i see more as a nemesis - someone that it takes a little while to get rid of -- kinda like Murdoc from MacGyver ---

so - Kalas and Kronos and Horton qualify as villains in my book, but Corey Raines, Slan Quince (tho he was kinda cool - and Connor should have whacked him, not Duncan - how uncool was that?), and all the other ones that no one remembers b/c they were only in one ep --- are just baddies -- know what i mean??
Yeah. I know exactly what you mean. I feel the same way about villians. So that really narrows down your choices when it comes down to it doesn't it. So was O'Rourke a villian or just a baddie do you think?

Oh yeah....I thought that demon was a pretty good villian, even though he wasn't in a bunch of episodes.
Originally posted by Diamond9697
Yeah. I know exactly what you mean. I feel the same way about villians. So that really narrows down your choices when it comes down to it doesn't it. So was O'Rourke a villian or just a baddie do you think?

who was o'rourke?? not remembering K'immies today -

Oh yeah....I thought that demon was a pretty good villian, even though he wasn't in a bunch of episodes.

which demon? Slan? Corey? huh? (sorry - lost again - man i'm doing poorly today)
>who was o'rourke?? not remembering K'immies today -

The guy in "To Be" and "Not To Be".

>which demon? Slan? Corey? huh? (sorry - lost again - man i'm doing poorly today)

I think it's name was Ahriman...a real demon...in the episode "Archangel"
Originally posted by Diamond9697
>who was o'rourke?? not remembering K'immies today -

The guy in "To Be" and "Not To Be".

>which demon? Slan? Corey? huh? (sorry - lost again - man i'm doing poorly today)

I think it's name was Ahriman...a real demon...in the episode "Archangel"

okay - now i know who you're talkin' 'bout -- sorry - got lost for a moment --

you're talkin' 'bout all the baddies from that season that sucked 'cept for Indescretions --- season 6 was terrible! i can't believe they even aired it -- they should have just let the series end w/ the last ep of season 5 ----- (of course, then we wouldn't have seen Indescretions, but i think i could live w/ that if i didn't have to see the season that sucked)
Yeah I know. and it should have ended after season five...but I'm a bit selfish and I want to have as much Methos as possible so I live with it :)
Originally posted by Diamond9697
Yeah I know. and it should have ended after season five...but I'm a bit selfish and I want to have as much Methos as possible so I live with it :)

i know the feeling --

oh - and did you notice that once Amanda and Methos made it into the opening credits - they cancel the show? how ironic is that???

btw -- i watched Indescretions last night --- just needed to watch Methos kick some butt!!

and - he takes a quickening SO much better than Amanda does - i think she only ever got one on the show - and she looked ridiculous --- GO METHOS!!!!!
Sure he does...he's had more practice at it *big grin*

okay...let's try this again...who do you think was the most sympathetic villian and /or baddie?
eeep -- most sympathetic --- dunno ---

hmmmmmmmm ---

man - i don't know ---

you answer first ----
Originally posted by Diamond9697
but I'm a bit selfish and I want to have as much Methos as possible so I live with it :)

Count me in that selfish group. :lol: I can't have enough Methos. By the way a series with Methos like it was mention sounds too good to be true. Well, I would have to continue see him as Tanith in SG1. And as always he's totally awesome. ;)

Highlander II, I notice you know a lot of the series. Do you remember the name of the villain or the baddie that if I'm not mistaken battle Duncan at the end of one of the seasons? I think it was the last season but I'm not sure because I see the series a long time and I'm really bad with names etc. I know that he was a recurrent role in the series. I still don't know his name but his my favorite baddie. Of course my favorite everything was Methos. :lol:

Originally posted by Krystal

Highlander II, I notice you know a lot of the series. Do you remember the name of the villain or the baddie that if I'm not mistaken battle Duncan at the end of one of the seasons? I think it was the last season but I'm not sure because I see the series a long time and I'm really bad with names etc. I know that he was a recurrent role in the series. I still don't know his name but his my favorite baddie. Of course my favorite everything was Methos. :lol:


I think you're talking about Kalas -- from the end of season 3 -- he was the guy who sang, then Duncan sliced his throat and he got kinda ticked off --- then amanda breaks him out of jail? and then he tries to kill Duncan and the battle's on the Eifel Tower??

other than that - i'm not sure --- unless you're talking about James Horton = who's not an immie - he's just a bad guy -- one of the Renegade Watchers --- and for some reason he just wouldn't die ----

and yes -- i'm quite well-versed in the series -- except season 6 - i kinda don't remember most of it -- b/c it sucked ---

so - feel free to toss out questions -- if i don't know - i can find out -
catching up and stuff

The only other ep in s6 I liked was the flashback ep with fitz in it..

And I'd like to set the record straight.

Cory Raines was not even remotely a bad guy! He stole from banks, yes, but he wasn't a K'immie except for his name. T'wasn't evil tho, so there. :)

Favorite villain is prolly Kronos....

And what do you mean by sympathetic villain? *confused look*

gotta go back and watch some eps again ---

actually -- all of season 6 -- the season that shouldn't have been

i'm not sure on the sympathetic villain thing either ---
okay...I mean the villian that you kinda felt bad for even though they were nasty. I always felt kinda bad for Kronos for instance.
Re: catching up and stuff

***Cory Raines was not even remotely a bad guy! He stole from banks, yes, but he wasn't a K'immie except for his name. T'wasn't evil tho, so there. :)***

I never actually saw that episode so I'll take your word for it :)
I always kinda felt sorry for Silas.

I mean...like methos said:

"I killed Silas...I LIKED Silas!"

He was just doing the only thing he'd ever reallly known, you know?

ACK! Dia! You've gotta go see that eppie!

It's hilarious, trust me. :)

Forget what season it is, but the name is "Money No Object"

I mean...if for no other reason than Nicholas Lea (Krycek ;) ) plays Cory.


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