Highlander TV Series: Villian

Originally posted by Analise
I always kinda felt sorry for Silas.

I mean...like methos said:

"I killed Silas...I LIKED Silas!"

He was just doing the only thing he'd ever reallly known, you know?


i was SO gonna say exactly the same thing!!

i kinda liked Silas -- Caspian i liked, but didn't feel sorry for him when he died ---

I was wondering something...

Why didn't Death or Kronos kill Cassandra when they had the chance?

Of course, that prolly woulda resulted in Duncan's death at a young tender age because Cassie wouldn't have been there to protect him from that dude...

O'course that bad dude had been Cassie's student so mebbe he would never have become a baddie.

Wow...cause and effect.

ummm - didn't Methos explain this?

he kinda liked Cassandra -- (guess he might have been in love w/ her - we'll never know for sure -- b/c Methos isn't telling!) -- but, Kronos snagged her and was mean to her, then she stabbed Kronos and she ran away --

they kept her as a slave -- she was supposed to be one of the 'beautiful' <gaspsputterhawkspit> ones -- they weren't gonna get rid of her -- she 'obeyed' ---

why didn't they kill her later? they needed her to get to Duncan -- well - Kronos did -- Methos didn't need anything --
Originally posted by Diamond9697
Nope...Methos had it all planned out. Well...most of it anyway :)

methos always has stuff planned out --- that's his job! ;)
Originally posted by Diamond9697
and a mighty fine job he does :D

and he looks really good doing it too:blush:

aye -- that is so!

lots o' Methos -- always good at planning!
Originally posted by Highlander II
I think you're talking about Kalas -- from the end of season 3 -- he was the guy who sang, then Duncan sliced his throat and he got kinda ticked off --- then amanda breaks him out of jail? and then he tries to kill Duncan and the battle's on the Eifel Tower??

Well, I remember the battle on the Eifel Tower. But I'm not sure is that the one I mention. Because I don't remember is he sang. I really will have to see it again because I really blank out.:lol: Only remember and I'm not sure that he was in more than one episode, but don't know the season.

Krystal :D
if it was the eiffel tower then it was definatly Kalas...season three episodes were finale part one and two I think.
Kalas Sang. In the 1920's in Europe he was an Opera Singer. He tried to rape a friend of Duncan's. Duncan barged and fought him. In the battle Duncan lost his sword. And picked up a shard of glass. Which he used to slash kalas vocal cords.

Originally posted by ZachWZ
Kalas Sang. In the 1920's in Europe he was an Opera Singer. He tried to rape a friend of Duncan's. Duncan barged and fought him. In the battle Duncan lost his sword. And picked up a shard of glass. Which he used to slash kalas vocal cords.


yep -- that's "Song of the Executioner" (i think)

then, Kalas is in "Methos" and "Star Crossed", then "Finale I & II"

i think that's all for Kalas --

Star Crossed - Kalas kills FItz

Methos - we meet the man himself, and Kalas tries to kill him

Finale I & II - the watcher database CD is loose and Kalas gets it and this is where they fight on the Eifel Tower -

hope that helps!
helped me...I hadn't realized that Kalas had been in that many episodes...*digs around in her tapes to watch them again*
Originally posted by Diamond9697
helped me...I hadn't realized that Kalas had been in that many episodes...*digs around in her tapes to watch them again*

*gasp* you didn't know??

and you call yourself a Highlander fan! j/k!!! there are things i can never remember --- ie: Corey Raines -- but now that i know he's in Money no Object - i know who you're talkin' about!

any other Highlander related questions???????

and believe me - if i don't know -- i'll find out!!!!
no I didn't know...but you have to give me a bit of leeway here...I have small children and I haven't been able to watch many episodes lately...besides...I have a ton of fics I'm working on and it seems I might be getting another muse who I don't want and I don't even know if I like....

As for questions...hmmmm....I'll think about it and get back to you...
how does one acquire an unwanted/unlikable muse???

honestly - i don't think i wanna know how to do that --- b/c i can't afford to have any more muses -- i have too many <ouch> as it is --- <ow - stop that - don't hit me again, Lyle> and they're all very pushy ---

perhaps we should start a 'plot bunny sharing' thread -- for all those plot bunnies you're positive you'll never get to!
your right...you don't want to know...I think I might like him later...just not sure right now...not that I'm wanting him to stay...I can just feel him trying to make an appearance though...

A plot sharing thread might be a good idea actually...I know I have a ton of ideas that I just never get around to myself
dia...you-know-who who might become your muse isn't really that bad....

just boyscoutish at times. *winks*

and he's really not bad in the books you're reading now, just starts really ticking me off later. I actually know a lot of people who like him. *grins*

so don't be too hard on him if he does become a muse.

*sighs* he has...and I'm never hard on my muses...I mean really...I've had cause to kill at least one and he's still around so I'll be nice to this one too...

Sorry this is OT...I'll do better now...

Who was the guy that gave Duncan the DQ anyway? I don't have that eppy and I can't remember...
Originally posted by Diamond9697
Who was the guy that gave Duncan the DQ anyway? I don't have that eppy and I can't remember...

Koltec - he was a friend of Duncan's and he killed one-too-many evil immies and became 'dark' -- so Duncan killed him -thinking there was 'more room' in his 'soul' (i guess) for the evil than there was in Koltec (who had been 'absorbing' evil for hundreds of years) ---

anyone else absolutely HATE the way they got rid of the DQ??? was that ridiculous or what???
Well...ya gotta admit...it was pretty cliche-ish...

But the only other option I could think of (and quite an amusing one if you ask me) was to have some random Immie come along and kill Duncan, absorbing the DQ and becoming evil his/herself.

I mean, this DQ thing seems more like an evil that passes along through Immortals not something dissipated just like that.

That way, when the Ultimate Battle of the so-called Gathering does come....you've got this really really really DQ'ed immie and some random good-guy (Methos!).

Talk about the Ultimate Battle between good and evil.


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