Bee, as a matter of fact, being on my 'I am such a good person' mode at the mo which involves scaring the family by being helpful and tidy so I've been clearing out. It's amazing the junk and costumes I have so feel free to come look.... I have this amazing cleptomania and a house like a tardis so popsy knows how many saying's i've got!Originally posted by Bee
Here Gemmyhold the popcorn while I go check out Skips aprons
Hey Skip, how many sayings do the come with?
H2 thanks a lot, the muses came in real handy. Tell them cheers and i baked them a cake. In fact I think this one is faulty cos I only wanted him to be a bit sentimental but he's turned into a snivelling coward, not sarcastic at all. I think he got it beat out of him... so I had to get another but couldn't bear to see him go... and he's so helpful...