Colonels and such
On the whole, that's the nice thing about the military... [hospitals in particular]. They're all clean shaven, healthy, in a nice variety of tall, short, light, dark, sturdy, thin, blond-brown-red-grey, various beautiful eyes....
It's a great place to just sit and look. Now as for personalities: You get all types, both in the hospital and in the field, but I had a bit more 'punch' in the hospital, especially over patients.
No matter what rank you are before you hit my ward, you all wear the same bathrobe. You will be addresses by your rank and title, but the sickest Private commands just as much of my attention, if not more, than a Colonel in with the flu.
The really bad ones were the officer's wives who insisted they be accorded the same benifits of their husband's rank.
"I'm Colonel Such-in-Suches Wife and you will..."
"Ma'am, with all due respect, you are *not* Colonel Such-in-Such, you are my patient and one pateint out of 42 on this ward. Please try and relax and we'll get you your fresh pitcher of ice water just as soon as we finish changing the burn dressings on Private Simpson's back."