What was the last movie you saw?

Welcome Frake! Did you like it? Did you hate it? Did you enjoy it for its poignant underlying commentary on the prejudices that still exist in modern society? Did you detest it for its bland, superficial expression of a sappy teenage romance? I want your opinions!

Classic. That is all.

Unless you are being facetious, I wouldn't attempt to convince a fair number of people in the American southwest of that, considering cowboys (yes, the genuine article) are still very much with us....

I was being facetious JD. Although when I heard about the cowboy love story I did envision something more like Unforgiven with Boy George!
I watched The Thing last night and it was brilliant, (the '82 Carpenter version) I was very impressed with it, I knew enough to know a bit but I didn't know nearly enough not to enjoy it. :)
I was being facetious JD. Although when I heard about the cowboy love story I did envision something more like Unforgiven with Boy George!

I really do need to stop misplacing my sense of humor... I'm worse at that than I am at losing my spectacles....:rolleyes:

I watched The Thing last night and it was brilliant, (the '82 Carpenter version) I was very impressed with it, I knew enough to know a bit but I didn't know nearly enough not to enjoy it. :)

Yes, that one has always felt a lot closer to Campbell's original story, to me. (Mind you, I also have a high regard for the original film version, as well.) Great score, too....

I thought the movie was pure awesome,hilarious. I had seen the trailer i expected a film that was funny,superhero. I didnt expect a serious superheros story. Everyone the theater including me laughed almost at every scene.

When it was serious with Hit girl,Kick-ass,Big Daddy it was good enough but when it was being funny it was so awesome. Hit-Girl was totally the star, the little girl actor was very good in the role she surprised. Made me believe she could be that bad-ass.

I have read Wanted and other the top,trying to be funny Mark Miller comics. I dont for a sec believe the comic is as much fun as the movie. I give the director,the writers,actor probs for making it so good,funny.

It was a fresh breath after all these grim,gritty superheroes or over the top action,serious superhero.
For some reason the movie theater in my area is going to wait until next Friday to show Kick-ass. I was planning on seeing it but I will now have to wait. :(
A Serious Man. One (or two) things about Coen Brothers movies: They totally immerse you in the subject at hand and you should never expect poetic justice. Well, not usually anyway.

Very worthwhile.
How to Train Your Dragon.

There's a few issues I had with it, but all in all, it wasn't actually that bad. And I felt that they managed to get a decent depiction of what a general European dragon looked like with the Night Fury, even if I felt that the others weren't so accurately depicted.

And as far as humor went, yes, it had plenty of it. I would recommend this one to anyone who hasn't seen it. Of course, I didn't watch it in 3D, but it was enjoyable all the same.
How to Train Your Dragon.

... I felt that they managed to get a decent depiction of what a general European dragon looked like with the Night Fury, even if I felt that the others weren't so accurately depicted....
You have dragons in Europe?

Adventures of Baron Munchausen - Terry Gilliam

This movie was definitely big on Tarsem's mind when he made The Fall (which I also liked a good deal). The script gets muddled and pat at times (possibly due to the film's very troubled production history) but it's still very entertaining and whimsical, and bolstered by a visual sense that's way ahead of most other films.
And Uma Thurman as a nekkid Venus is TASTY!
I'm not from Europe, and dragons don't actually exist anymore. (I am still, however, a firm believer of them being a now-extinct species.)

No, all the studies I've made on European dragons point to them being of the wyvern variety. (At least, the Western European ones, since it was the Vikings and a set of Isles which could have only been what would have become Britain that the movie took place in. And as I said, those were studies I myself made. I'm sure I could be far, far wrong on many accounts.)
Watched most of Full Metal Jacket last night-never realised it was a Kubrick film! And I always confuse it with Platoon!
Quite horrific!

I much prefer the first half, when they're still at boot camp (is that the correct term?). I thought Vincent D'Onofrio was superb as Leonard Lawrence, the poor recruit who is viciously picked on by Gunnery Sergeant Hartman.
Saw Kick Ass for the second time yesterday. What can I say? Awesome film - Chloe Moretz has a bright future ahead of her, methinks (me hopes). Oh, and with the added bonus that it's had the Daily Mail in fits of gibbering apoplexy.

I much prefer the first half, when they're still at boot camp (is that the correct term?). I thought Vincent D'Onofrio was superb as Leonard Lawrence, the poor recruit who is viciously picked on by Gunnery Sergeant Hartman.
Yea me too ,and that crazy sergeant! Cant quote any of it cos its all swearing ;)
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. Nothing special, I started reading a book part way through. But it just wasn't my kind of humor, I know other people who really enjoyed it so it can't be that awful.
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. Nothing special, I started reading a book part way through. But it just wasn't my kind of humor, I know other people who really enjoyed it so it can't be that awful.

I'm with you on this one. I found it disappointing.

Also, it bothered me to see so much food go to waste. I know it's an animation but still, I kept thinking that it would've been nice if one of the characters had the idea of shipping excess food to people who needed it. I grew up poor and remember how we made every bit of food count. To see food being wasted like that makes me very uncomfortable.

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