What was the last movie you saw?

This weekend I have watched (in order) The Descent part 2, not bad sequel, fairly obvious plot and pretty well done, a surprising ending but I enjoyed it throughout. A clever idea and the first one was really good, this sequel wasn't that good, but worth a watch. The beat that my heart skipped a french film by the director of une Prophete, very good, about a sort of real estate gangster that gets back into his piano playing roots. I enjoyed the piano parts and the film was great but not as violent as I expected. A fairly slow and interesting film, if you like piano (the instrument not the film) then you might enjoy it. Rosemary's Baby, Polanski at his peak, it was very chilling, a classic thriller without any frights or gore but wonderful realised antichrist film. They don't make them like that these days, I haven't seen a chilling thriller like that for a while. I have no desire to laud it over Polanski (after what he has done) but that was a very well made film.
Also, it bothered me to see so much food go to waste. I know it's an animation but still, I kept thinking that it would've been nice if one of the characters had the idea of shipping excess food to people who needed it. I grew up poor and remember how we made every bit of food count. To see food being wasted like that makes me very uncomfortable.

Same here, I hate wasting food! Unless it's actually got mould growing all over it, it's still edible in my opinion. The other half is one of those people who throws stuff away on the day it goes out of date, and I think one of the worst arguments we've had in the 3 years we've been together was about him throwing out a load of perfectly good apples (not even a little bit wrinkly, for heaven's sake!) just because they were out of date.

Oh, and I watched half of The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus last night and loved it, I intend to finish watching it tonight, so I hope the ending isn't a big let down, or I'll look like an idiot for posting this ;)
Same here, I hate wasting food! Unless it's actually got mould growing all over it, it's still edible in my opinion. The other half is one of those people who throws stuff away on the day it goes out of date, and I think one of the worst arguments we've had in the 3 years we've been together was about him throwing out a load of perfectly good apples (not even a little bit wrinkly, for heaven's sake!) just because they were out of date.
I agree about not throwing out food because it's past it's expiration date. When I was a kid the only foods with an expiration date were milk and bread and even then we drank the milk if it smelled okay and ate the bread, if as you said, it didn't have mold on it. If it was just stale we made toast! :)
Finally watched Avatar. Brilliant of course and to be honest theres no need for 3D! The film made us quite angry tho-I'm not sure we would behave like that if we found a Pandora. I hate the typical gung ho attitude shown in so many films from the US, it really paints americans in a bad light in our eyes!
Finally watched Avatar. Brilliant of course and to be honest theres no need for 3D! The film made us quite angry tho-I'm not sure we would behave like that if we found a Pandora. I hate the typical gung ho attitude shown in so many films from the US, it really paints americans in a bad light in our eyes!
Everybody seems to think that the solders in this movie are U.S. Marines. They are not. They are ex-Marines and ex-Army hired by a large corporation as mercenaries to exploit Pandora. Even though the corporation is American it doesn't represent the American government. I think most corporations are about the same no matter which country they are from, which means, out for themselves.
Everybody seems to think that the solders in this movie are U.S. Marines. They are not. They are ex-Marines and ex-Army hired by a large corporation as mercenaries to exploit Pandora. Even though the corporation is American it doesn't represent the American government. I think most corporations are about the same no matter which country they are from, which means, out for themselves.
Yea but it occurs in so many films from Hollywood,the whole 'Come get some!' woop ass attitude,look at Aliens and Predator and countless others. Really does not make americans look good to those outside the states.
Punsiher: War Zone - what a load of donkey trollop. Bad directing, poor acting and more of a kill fest than the first Punisher with Tom Jane in it. The first one was pretty good and dark and well thought out.
Yea but it occurs in so many films from Hollywood,the whole 'Come get some!' woop ass attitude,look at Aliens and Predator and countless others. Really does not make americans look good to those outside the states.
It's fiction. It sells tickets and DVD's. Just like certain stereotypes for those from other countries, which are also not true.
Watched NED KELLY on ITV4 last night, I've seen it before but had forgotten how good a film it is, Ledger was really good in the lead role and shows how good an actor he was becoming
It's fiction. It sells tickets and DVD's. Just like certain stereotypes for those from other countries, which are also not true.

Yeah but I'm with Larry. It's boring, and stereotypes simplify people and races, often detrimentally.
Avatar on DVD; a good film; worth purchasing...
In answer to those complaining about gung ho action films; they are fictional "action" stories and as such they need to be exciting/have action; it makes a much better story than "please don't hit me" or "can't we all just work together"...(boring, I wouldn't waste my time).
I didn't particularly care for the noble savage attitude of the film (there is no such thing; never has been) or the new age/gaia parts. I really hated the "horses"; surely they could have come up with something less obviously horse like but still ride-able for an alien ecosystem.
This film did get the important parts, right; an evil bad guy that the audience can hate and feel good when the good guys beat him...then every one lives happily ever after (I like unrealistic endings).

Marnie I'm a sucker for a good Hitchcock film:)

Good film. Tippi Hedren was on top form.

I wish someone other than Sean Connery played opposite her. He's on record as saying he thinks there's nothing wrong with slapping a woman around sometimes. Which made the wedding night scene on the ship even more horrific for me.
The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009)

I have mixed feelings about this film. I liked Denzel Washington's flawed but essentially good, Walter Garber. John Turturro had a subdued but nevertheless impressive supporting role as the hostage negotiator giving advice and encouragement to Garber.

John Travolta was the weak link. Oh, he gave a bravura performance, stomping and raging appropriately. But. We've seen it all before, many times. I'm more than a little tired of the psychopathic anti-hero cliche.
City Island, starring Andy Garcia and Juliana Margulies.

This is a film that couldn't seem to make up its mind about what it wanted to be - family drama, comedy or farce. It started off on a fairly serious note, with Andy Garcia talking about his greatest secret, followed by scenes of his volatile family life.

As Garcia's secrets are revealed the film meanders into comedy, descends into (bad) farce and ends on a highly unlikely "hey we're all so happy" note. I simply did not buy that ending. This film could've been so much more, especially with actors of the calibre of Garcia and Margulies (who I adore in The Good Wife). There are times when Garcia is given scope to show his character's depths and those are the best scenes in the film. Also, the always annoying Emily Mortimer was there, doing her lost little waif act and frankly, the film could've done without her.

Overall, a disappointing film.
Iron Man 2 i saw it on the premiere earlier tonight.

It was awesome,fun superhero film as we all expected. Funny,strong performance by RDJ. Surprisingly well acted by the new actors in this film, they got the minor characters right too. I enjoyed the new Rhodes,Nick Fury,Romanov/Black Widow.

A rare superhero series this one i actually cant wait for the next film in the series. While other superhero series i got tired of years ago.
Saw the 1940 version of Thief of Bagdad, which had some pretty good (technicolor) visual sense, and solid presence from a brooding Conrad Veidt and a winsome athletic Sabu. But I didn't enjoy it greatly - too stodgy and stilted in the dialog (Miles Malleson, of all people!). The rare relief came from the sassy interplay between Sabu and the genie (Rex Ingram). The spider attack sequence looked very stupid.
Saw the 1940 version of Thief of Bagdad, which had some pretty good (technicolor) visual sense, and solid presence from a brooding Conrad Veidt and a winsome athletic Sabu. But I didn't enjoy it greatly - too stodgy and stilted in the dialog (Miles Malleson, of all people!). The rare relief came from the sassy interplay between Sabu and the genie (Rex Ingram). The spider attack sequence looked very stupid.

This film would appear from time to time on television in the 1950s (black & white, of course). Heavily cut, it was still enjoyable. In the early 1970s, there was a film festival in San Francisco in which a newly remastered, uncut print of The Thief of Baghdad was shown at the Palace of Fine Arts. I drug my father-in-law and my wife's youngest siblings (about 9 and 10 years old) across the Bay Bridge to see it. It was magical. The colors were vibrant. The painted backdrops and the pastel soaked dock architecture leapt out at us. The story truly seemed larger than life.

Although not Shakespearian in stature, the young lovers, John Justin and June Duprez were appropriately handsome and beautiful. As noted, Rex Ingram and Conrad Veidt were great. Sabu, who died an untimely death at age 39, was perfect for the lead role. Mary Morris, the diminutive british character actor with the big voice, played Jaffar's accomplice, Halima. Her small stature was masked by the towering headpiece she wore. She also played the part of the six-armed automaton assassin, if I'm not mistaken.

For 1940, I thought that the "special effects" were reasonably good. Just a little willing suspension of disbelief is all that's called for.

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