What was the last movie you saw?

Iron Man 2 is a blockbuster, that works(well hopefully)

Yeah Iron Man movies are a dying breed as fun blockbuster film. In the premiere of the last one people was laughing,gave the movie a standing ovation when it was done.

Not because its the greatest film but because it was so much fun and actually worth the higher movie ticket prize of today.

Normally i dont pay for that kind of film, i go after critical acclaimed films or action,thriller directors,actors i trust.
Yeah Iron Man movies are a dying breed as fun blockbuster film. In the premiere of the last one people was laughing,gave the movie a standing ovation when it was done.

Not because its the greatest film but because it was so much fun and actually worth the higher movie ticket prize of today.

Normally i dont pay for that kind of film, i go after critical acclaimed films or action,thriller directors,actors i trust.
I'm lucky as I dont have to pay to watch the latest movie ;)
You know, I have a fair amount of fondness for that particular film. Flawed, ridiculous, silly thing that it is, it nonetheless has its charm (for me, at any rate)....

Indeedily. Adore John Hannah and Rachel Weisz and Brendan Fraser's all right, too, so the cast is great. And yes, entertaining film.
Shutter Island, which started well and then began to grate on me with its heavy-handed imagery and predictably unpredictable twists. I still like a lot of things about it, including the inclusion of an early Mahler work I had never heard before, but all in all a disappointing experience.
Indeedily. Adore John Hannah and Rachel Weisz and Brendan Fraser's all right, too, so the cast is great. And yes, entertaining film.

I met John Hannah recently - he was in a local book store where I'm a frequent customer. He was very polite and unassuming. Signed an autograph for me too.
The Burning Plain - Charlize Theron, Kim Basinger, Robin Tunney, Danny Pino and others.

This is one of those films where they cut back and forth in time. (I think that the TV series Damages does it better though.) I can't say too much because that would give away the story (though about halfway through, or even earlier, you'd probably guess the twist-in-the-tail).

It was an average film, neither good nor bad. It held my attention for the duration but that's about it.
Last night, while doing the ironing, I watched Infestation (predictable but pretty fun) and FAQ About Time Travel (good laugh, lots of references to other time travel movies). Yes, there was a lot of ironing.
I met John Hannah recently - he was in a local book store where I'm a frequent customer. He was very polite and unassuming. Signed an autograph for me too.

Have you seen him in Spartacus: Blood and Sand ?

You should asked what he thought about his best role so far imo.
Have you seen him in Spartacus: Blood and Sand ?

You should asked what he thought about his best role so far imo.

I watched the first episode of Spartacus and realised (after asking myself for the 50th time if the show was for real or a gigantic soft porn prank) that I was not its target audience.
I watched the first episode of Spartacus and realised (after asking myself for the 50th time if the show was for real or a gigantic soft porn prank) that I was not its target audience.

The sex scenes get fewer after 3,4 eps. Historical,storywise the show is hailed and become much bigger than creators expected. They went to start with gory violence,sex scenes because its a cable channel like HBO who likes to flaunt their status as cable. True Blood had early on rabid,disgusting sex scenes....

You think Hannah,Lucy Lawless would be in soft porn prank ?
The sex scenes get fewer after 3,4 eps. Historical,storywise the show is hailed and become much bigger than creators expected. They went to start with gory violence,sex scenes because its a cable channel like HBO who likes to flaunt their status as cable. True Blood had early on rabid,disgusting sex scenes....

You think Hannah,Lucy Lawless would be in soft porn prank ?

I was being facetious with the soft porn comment.

I thought the first episode was formulaic, predictable and downright boring. Sex scenes, even explicit ones, don't turn me off. But these were simply ridiculous.

I did not feel the same way about True Blood.

Spartacus is simply not my kind of series.
Yeah of course you must like historical fiction to like Spartacus,Rome,Tudors etc

Heh funny sex scenes in Spartacus was tasteful incomparison to True Blood. But we see our fav shows in different light than others.
Finally had the chance to crack into my Hitchcock collection.

Watching -- for the first time, shockingly -- Psycho.

Firstly, way to go, Marion, getting everyone you meet suspicious about you. Mind you, I think I'd probably be the same with that much money in my bag. I'd probably be the same if I stole a packet of sweets.

It's a shame I know the ending, Norman seems like a likeable enough guy. A little intense at times, perhaps. But I know that's supposed to be the way for the twist.

Whoa, the detective! That was somewhat surprising.
I have seen Iron Man. It's just "wow". There are some wonderful information about Iron man at various sites. it's just wonderful man! check out some interesting information at FamousWhy.com
It seems that I haven't posted for a while, so I probably can't tell you all the films I have watched since my last update, but here are a few of them, in no particular order.
The man from Earth a very acomplished sci-fi discussion film, it was brilliantly wirtten but poorly performed and directed. The conversation between faculty members and their departing colleague who claims to be 14500 years old, ranged from the simple to the brilliant. I thought that some of the religious tales were a bit obvious, but I really liked it.
The city of Lost Children was brilliant! It looked great and had some wonderful direction, the story was a bit simple and didn't end in the best way, but the tale of a fairground strong man searching for his lost little brother (petite frere (I hope my spelling is right)) with the help of a street urchin was heart warming and very well realised. Not sure the names of the actors, but the lead was the guy who plays Hellboy, and I saw him last week in Alien Resurection with the other main character (playing 6 clones and a professor) as the guy in the wheel chair. It looked a bit wierd at times, but the camera follwing the flea was great. thoroughly enjoyed it.

Arlington Road was very good, the twist got me right at the moment it is supposed to, although on retrospect I found a few scenes a little less than perfect. Not sure who died int he car crash, but it was very well done, with an eloquent twist on the story. I am a fan of Tim Robbins and felt he put in a solid performance.

The Boat that Rocked was better than I expected having heard plenty of bad things about it. I dind't realise it woudl have a teenage love story at its heart, but it was pretty good, a great soundtrack. some fairly obvious twists. Great work from Kennth Branagh, it's nice to see him acting great characters again.

The Box was much better than I expected, and although it was odd and didn't really explain much about the intricate nature of the plot I really liked it. I didn't expect it to be so sci-fi, but in the end I was plesantly surprised. I'm sure there were plot holes, but the basic idea was very clever and well realised. If you like Sci-fi you might enjoy this, but don't complain to me if you don't. :)
Continuing with my Hitchcock jaunt and going with The Birds today. Haven't seen this one all the way through before. Here goes.
Just watched The Impostors (1998) An "hommage" to Laurel and Hardy, it would seem. With a fascinating ensemble cast that includes Stanley Tucci (the creator of the story), Oliver Platt, Alfred Molina, Steve Buscemi, Hope Davis, Billy Connolly, Woody Allen, Isabella Rossellini and Tony Shalhoub, this film starts out in great style. But toward the end it gets a little crazier than required. Tucci and Platt are two out of work actors in the first half of the 20th century who can't seem to do anything right. Fleeing from Alfred Molina, they end up on a ship which includes him as a passenger. The ship is populated with wackos of one type or another, so let the slapstick begin.
Iron Man 2: pretty weak, I thought. Downey Jnr is painfully irritating (yes I know he's supposed to be etc but he's still a tedious git). Action was sparse and unconvincing. I'm getting bored of seeing Superheroes with Issues (in fact, slightly bored of superheroes full stop).

The Ghost: quite creepy low-key thriller with a couple of very strong performances. The story is both totally paranoid and weirdly believable. Euan McGregor's not especially good though. Worth a look.

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