What was the last movie you saw?

Watched An American Haunting earlier...was all right. A few jumpy bits. It was a bit too...obvious, though. You don't need to spoon feed the audience everything.
I recently watched the Hollywood remake of Taxi. Nowhere near as good as the original.
Just saw Prince of Persia today. It was Disney, so I wasn't expecting anything too serious, but I liked it. Alfred Molina was a hoot.
Watched Surrogates. A fairly simple story once you figure out who is who. But entertaining nonetheless.
Lust, Caution (Ang Lee) - A young amateur actress in Japan occupied China becomes part of a militant revolutionary group and agrees to seduce a high-ranking official into dropping his guard and setting him up for assassination. As expected complications develop. A mostly brilliantly executed slow-burning emotional cat and mouse game, with revelatory performances from newcomer actress Wei Tang and the formidable Tony Leung. But despite what Ang Lee may say, the explicit sadism-tinged sex scenes seem to me as much of an unnecessary and distasteful addition as the rape scene poor Peter Cushing had to enact in Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed.

David Lean's film adaptation of Oliver Twist was a fast-paced and engaging experience with awesome sets, beautiful camerawork and some kickass evil performances, especially Alec Guinness as Fagin.
I don't know if it qualifies as a movie as it was only one hour long, but I watched "Blood - The Last Vampire" live action last night on Chiller. I wasn't expecting much even though I really liked the anime, but it was actually very good. The special effects were good but not great, but it was enjoyable overall.
Prince of Persia - And was pleasantly surprised as this was actually a very good movie as far a game to movie adaptations go. It blows Tomb Raider and Doom out the water by far.
Outlander (2008), a blend of SF and medieval norse history with James Cavaziel and John Hurt. Basically Cavaziel as Kalain lands in a space ship in 701 AD and is taken prisoner by the Norse inhabitants and tho at first they treat him as an enemy they soon realise they are both fighting the same enemy…
Interesting little film, kind of Alien meets Excalibur meets The Thing. Hurt is brilliant as the old Norse King!
I thought Outlander was a terrible film, neither cheesy enough to be fun, nor good enough to be considered in any other light. The design of the enemy creature was also quite ho-hum. I am told that the Antonio Banderas film 13th Warrior is a better riff on this type of story.

Watched Taxi Driver yesterday after more than a decade. Damn good movie with a brilliant performance from De Niro, wonderfully moody night-time photography and an evocative score with some lovely sax. A gem from the time Scorsese could make fantastic movies under the 2 hour mark. Now sadly, he appears to have lost that skill.
Watched the original Bad Lieutenant at the weekend, with Harvey Keitel. I was expecting more but it was actually quite slow and a little bit boring. I'd seen this in Video shops when I was a kid, but never watched it until now, but wasn't impressed. There was some good bits, and Keitel defnitely seemed hopeless and despairing, he crying in the church was quite good. I'm sure if I had watched it in the 80's I would have loved it more.
And then tonight I saw this 2008 Finnish horror movie called Sauna.
Boy, this was a very intriguing movie. In the aftermath of a medieval Finland-Russia war, representatives from both the countries are marking a border. On the Finnish side are two brothers, one of whom is an aging brutal soldier and the other his academic brother. On the way they are involved with the murder of a Russian sympathizer farmer (and perhaps his daughter too) and each of the brothers is burdened with his own context of guilt. Along with their Russian counterparts they come to this mysterious village with the titular sauna. The movie is weird really, it has a kind of Tarkovski meets Guillermo Del Toro vibe. Sometimes it gets a little too enigmatic for me and I'm not sure everything comes together in the end but it's still interesting and gorgeously shot, and might be more rewarding on repeat watch. Recommended for those who like the idea of an atmospheric, slow-burning mostly psychological horror.
If it helps at all, I saw the original Bad Lieutenant in the mid-90s, and it was awful then.
I watched Ghost Town the other night, which was ok. Now I've just watched Serenity for the second time. Weirdly the first time I watched it, what happens to Wash (won't say in case people haven't seen it) didn't affect me (apart from making me jump) but this time... gah! I blame Dollhouse, which has made me love Alan Tudyk so much.
I just finished watching The Dark Knight for the first time since I saw it in the cinemas. I was largely unimpressed with it back then, but watching it in thirty minute 'episodes' on the bus to and from work, I enjoyed it much more. In the cinema I thought it over-long and far too convoluted, but this time through I didn't mind so much - I'm sure due to the fact it wasn't one sitting. A solid movie. I'm still in awe of Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker. Despite liking it more this time around, I still don't understand why they went to all the effort of building Harvey Dent up, tearing him down, and then killing him fifteen minutes later. He was Two Face for all of a day, and menaced a couple of cops, a mob boss, and Gordon's family, then splat. Done. Missed opportunity.

Last weekend I saw almost all of Avatar. Almost all - I fell asleep as the final battle got underway. I find really have no impetus to go back and watch the end, either. I must say, I was very, very unimpressed with this movie. I just didn't see the point. Why bother 'dressing up' as Na'vi, when the Na'vi knew they were actually human? I thought it was going to be some espionage thing, but no. People clothes. Guns. I don't know. As my wife said, Pocahontas did it so much better. Dances with Wolves, as well.

Although one thing I took away from it - Giovanni Ribisi could totally pull off the Joker if Christopher Nolan changed his mind about the third Batman film.
Just watched Sherlock Holmes. I was expecting to hate this film as I enjoy the books and stories and just knew it wouldnt be done to Canon. Having said that I did find it enjoyable and would watch it again. Thing is the character of Mycroft,with his tall gaunt appearance with short slick hair,is how I'm used to thinking of Holmes-thats pretty close to how Doyle imagined him-hence why Jeremy Brett is so highly regarded amongst Sherlockians,to use an Americanism.
A close friend came home today with his 6-year old daughter and so we saw Up and Sleeping Beauty. Re-watches but good fun.
Up made me bawl the whole way through!! So tragic! Good film though.

I've not seen anything since Serenity, but I've got Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus to watch.
Inglourious Basterds, Another superb movie from Tarantino.
Everything is forgiven because "Inglorious Basterds" is so entertaining and at the end of the day that's what matters.

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