What was the last movie you saw?

As a British comedy, the film must pretend to an intelligent premise.

Just like Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Shaun of the Dead...

You're right, though, there is a fundamental difference in the American and British (and Australian) sense of humour. It's interesting that Brits and Australians are much more likely to 'get' and enjoy American humour than vice-versa, though. Probably a sympton of overexposure to American culture.
Considering most of the comedies I've seen over the past 25 years, I think the bit about "not necessarily slapstick" bordered on absolutely hilarious itself. Subtlety in humor in this country simply doesn't seem to exist when it comes to comedic films. This was by no means always the case, even for really successful films; but over the past quarter century, one may as well be using the genuine slapstick -- it'd be about the same level of wit. (My apologies to any Punch and Judy or Commedia dell'arte fans....)

My own recent foray into movies -- the first in some weeks:( -- was Hitchcock's Notorious. On many levels, a wonderful film. But the MacGuffin here was just a bit difficult to take, and nearly ruined the film for me. A leeetle bit of care in choosing such a gimmick would be appreciated....
Well I don't think American humour is so bad. I love (and I know people will disagree with me) Apatow and crew.

And while I think the original Death at a Funeral was excellent, maybe the American one will be good as well. I love love LOVED the original British version of The Office, but I also really like the American one. In fact, I think along with Entourage, The Office (American) is currently one of the best shows in syndication.

*prepares for lambasting*
*bastes lamb*

Yeah, you like that!? Now it's all tender and succulent!

I am likewise of the opinion that UK and US humour both have their place. I am, however, firmly against Trinidadian humour.
Considering most of the comedies I've seen over the past 25 years, I think the bit about "not necessarily slapstick" bordered on absolutely hilarious itself. Subtlety in humor in this country simply doesn't seem to exist when it comes to comedic films. This was by no means always the case, even for really successful films; but over the past quarter century, one may as well be using the genuine slapstick -- it'd be about the same level of wit. (My apologies to any Punch and Judy or Commedia dell'arte fans....)

Yeah, that was my point, only you've said it better. :)

I'm not a big fan of American comedy films. After I'd posted here I was trying to think of one that had actually made me laugh and the only one I can think of is 'Dude, where's my car?' which actually doesn't validate my viewpoint at all! Generally though, I do prefer British humour.

Anyway, on topic, the last film I saw was The Italian Job the American version (why? why do it?!) and that was only because it was on TV. Anyway, I only watched about ten minutes, then (after frowning at the TV for a while, wondering if that really was The Italian Job) I went to bed.
I watched Avatar for the 2nd time and decided it was a fantasy.
Then I watched Mouse Hunt, and it was hilarious.
Next will be Gymkata, again, maybe.
Anyway, on topic, the last film I saw was The Italian Job the American version (why? why do it?!) and that was only because it was on TV. Anyway, I only watched about ten minutes, then (after frowning at the TV for a while, wondering if that really was The Italian Job) I went to bed.

I noticed the original The Italian Job is on TV on saturday night, never having watched it I'm hoping to do so Saturday. The last movie I did see was another british comedy, Hot Fuzz. One of those movies I've been meaning to watch for ages, I even hired it out a couple of times and didn't get time to put it on. It all gets very silly of course but it's very very funny and there's so many nice touches all through it from the endless movie references to the action movie special effects and gimicks.

Edit: Two others I've recently ticked off the meaning to watch list are Toy story 1 and 2. Love animation, love Pixar and yet I've never seen them :eek:. Brilliant movies the pair of them, on TV to advertise the 3rd one I'm sure but my 4 yr old daughter and me had a ball watching them.
Iron Man 2. Had to try to catch it in a theater before it it moved on to DVD limbo. Not profound, but quite entertaining. Scarlett Johansson as an action figure and Mickey Rourke as the villain were fun.
The Departed. I love Jack Nicholson in this movie. Hell, I love Jack Nicholson. In this, he's especially good.
Sat down with a group of friends and watched The Human Centipede tonight.

I rather enjoyed it! The acting wasn't particularly bad (they couldn't have found a better person to play Dr. Heiter), the gore was implied with bandages rather than actually being there and the story was nowhere near as daft as it sounds. OK, maybe it was, but it fit in quite well with the film (which was well made, I must say).
Reservoir Dogs. So good! 2 hours passed before I knew it and then suddenly it was over...

And with that, I have officially watched every Tarantino film (I have a certificate and everything!) Rankings:

1. Kill Bill: Vol. 1
2. Inglourious Basterds
3. Reservoir Dogs
4. Death Proof
5. Kill Bill: Vol. 2
6. Jackie Brown
7. Pulp Fiction
Nonetheless, I will always have a soft spot for that movie. It's just so horrendously, hilariously atrocious...
I saw this "damn good fun in several parts" French spoof movie called OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies. What this spoof does best is recreate the 50's Connery-era Bond flick and ratchet up the racial stereotyping and political incorrectness (one of the more humorous sequences is when the Bond-like lead character on a mission in Cairo assaults the muzzein caller for disturbing his sleep). Like many spoofs the plot flags after a while but it's still worth watching if you go in for this sort of thing.

Also caught the sequel OSS 117: Lost in Rio. It's really less of a sequel and more of a retread of the earlier movie, but it's better done on the whole (even if it lacks action scenes with the gusto of the first film) and worth watching. This is a great antidote on the whole to the general sterility of that Quantum of Solace movie.

Also done with watching Inglourious Basterds. Best Tarantino film so far IMO, and apart from a needless use of slow-motion, some hugely incongruous music, a super-annoying Eli Roth and a couple of stupid-ass "let me show you what a film buff I am" sequences, his least self-indulgent effort. And Hans Landa eats Hannibal Lecter's liver for breakfast.
Space Cowboys. Been meaning to watch this for years and finally got around to it. Tommy Lee Jones easily outacts the others in the movie.
Nonetheless, I will always have a soft spot for that movie. It's just so horrendously, hilariously atrocious...

I watched it a couple of months back - I was just settling in for a pretty standard guys-on-the-run-from-the-law film... it completely threw me! My housemates came running because they heard my loud, ah, exclamation of surprise.

From that point onwards, it was quite hilarious.


I'm being forced to watch Jennifer's Body tonight. It sounds quite boring to me, but the people I'm watching it with (ex-corridor, again) insist. I thin I'd prefer to watch The Human Centipede again...
I'm being forced to watch Jennifer's Body tonight. It sounds quite boring to me, but the people I'm watching it with (ex-corridor, again) insist. I thin I'd prefer to watch The Human Centipede again...
Haha, I can't bring myself to watch The Human Centipede. I used to pride myself on not being squeamish but I seem to be losing my apathy towards horrendous violence and gore - I couldn't even watch Saw. Must be a symptom of ageing. The world has wearied me.

I was actually considering renting Jennifer's Body the other day. I hate Megan Fox, but I like Amanda Seyfreid and it also contains one of my favourite people in the world, Amy Sedaris. Plus, it was written by the woman who wrote Juno, so I thought it would be kind of clever and quirky. From what I hear though, it's not...

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