What was the last movie you saw?

War of the Worlds. Wasn't bad, but wasn't good either. Actually I enjoyed it, I liked many of the scenes, but the ending was very cheap and short. The idea was good, but they closed it very-very fast, with few sentences, while it deserved quite more. I don't need explanations or anything, because the ending was completely logical, but there was no prelude which leaded to the ending at all. It's just happened with a really good reason, but without any real background this made that good reason completely unbelievable and cheap. Tom Cruise's character was believable, but the two kiddo was very annoying.
Angels and Demons. It was ok, but there was no reason given for the actions of the main bad guy. Still, Rome looked nice.


The kids in War of the Worlds, I so wanted them to get fried, especially the obnoxious teenage boy. Though screamer girl was a close second. Some great scenes though; the brave but futile defence of the ridgeline being the best (for me).
Toy Story 3 with HJ. I may have cried just a little. There was something in my eye...POIGNANCY.

It's pretty amazing that all three instalments of the Toy Story trilogy are incredibly fun, humorous and emotional and I can't think of a single bad or boring moment in any of them. Pixar can't put a foot wrong these days! Except for Cars 2, but I haven't seen the first one so I guess I shouldn't judge.
I watched 3:10 To Yuma yesterday.

Whilst the ending seemed a little... odd (definitely out of character!), I enjoyed the rest of it. It's been a while since I last saw a good Western.

It reminded me so much of parts of Red Dead Redemption! I swear Rockstar modelled bits of their game on the Evans' Ranch, Bisbey (sp?) and the landscape in the film.
Giving kids a decent scare once in a while is quite good for their overall development. Sage advice from a bachelor :p

Ah but Matthew is autistic and certain things really frighten him-there were parts of that film that appear threatening to him and once upset we never hear the end of it! He used to freak at the part in the Spongebob Movie when the man in the diver's suit comes towering over spongebob abd patrick with its menacing green eyes. And katie used to freak at those red slugs on the BBC 3 ads, one would come running towards the screen and we had to change channels quick!
"The Book of Eli"

Not bad....could've been better, could've been much worse. Considering all the post-apocalyptic flicks that have been forced down our throats throughout the years, this one was somewhat refreshing.
Kinda tough to go wrong with Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman, and Malcolm McDowell all in the same movie.
Just watched The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus - really liked it! It's definitely one of Gilliam's best, and a brilliant return to form for him, in my opinion.

Some of the effects look a bit dated (I imagine that you'd need an incredibly huge budget to make something like that in incredible quality), but they do well enough .

The whole thing is terrifically strange, which was wonderful to see. I look forward to his future projects.
The Wolfman ... a good enough film worthy of the name. I didn't think that Benicio DT was a good pick for the part (especially after the poor reading of a few lines of Shakespeare early in the flick (He is an actor playing a supposedly good actor.. didn't work for me). Note; Lon Chaney Jr. was not a particularly good actor either, this carries the tradition on...
Over all a pretty solid film, better than I expected from the reviews; see it if you like classic old monster movies...

I also watched The Prestige last night - a Nolan brothers film starring Michael Caine, Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale (Scarlett Johansson too, but meh) about two magicians in a bitter rivalry who try to outdo each other.

Pretty decent film with some very clever bits (the final secret behind "The Transported Man" is brilliant!), but it is slightly let down by the SF aspect that seems to have been shoe-horned in.
The look and feel of the film was great I thought and the way it was shot also. But the story.... it was good until chapter one ended then just dragged on and on and on. I don't mind slow paced films but this one i just couldn't handle, especially when nothing happens and you sit there wondering what the hell is going on most the time.
Such a shame really, still it was better then Solomon Kane.
My wife and I watched Alice in Wonderland last night - fairly enjoyable, if not great. I love Tim Burton and Johnny Depp, but they've done better...
Ratatouille. I'm on a bit of a Pixar binge at the moment. I really liked it - not quite as good as say Up or Toy Story (any of them), but still a great film. Watch it if you like fun and happiness.
Saw Howl's Moving Castle today. Story is a Spirited Away retread but it's still very good, with some touching moments, and the visuals are downright astounding. This is another Miyazaki classic.
The Day the Earth Stood Still and I liked it. I'm not counting Harry Potter or Fellowship of the Rings since I never finished either.
Went to see The Collector . I enjoyed it fans of Saw will like it as its from the writers of ...... Saw .
And on dvd . Soloman Kane . not bad for a English film ! :eek:
Finally watched Quarantine. Was good -- very fast paced once it got going. S...er, stuff went down and then escalated very quickly. And the rabies-infected people were a nice alternate zombie creature and were scary-looking. Gonna have to find out how they did that make-up (there's a featurette on the DVD, which is why I mention this -- plus when I procrastinate, I tend to experiment with make up and make scabs and cuts and stuff...)
Hey Hoopy :)

I haven't seen Quarantine from start to finish but I know it's pretty much a shot-for-shot remake of the Spanish original - Rec. I'm a fan of Jennifer Carpenter through Dexter, but I'd still recommend the original and, to a slightly lesser extent, the sequel.

And I thought the Medeiros girl at the end was much more effectively done in the Spanish version. The first thing to really creep me out in a long while.

And don't be so sure about the alternative zombies - they might just be a clever bit of misdirection ;)

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