What was the last movie you saw?

Solaris, the recent one. Pretty dismal the first time and didn't get much more from it the second time. The actress playing Rheya was awful and the flashbacks of their relationship were either dull or cringeworthy. I tried sitting through the Russian version once, but got lost on the highway flyovers of Tokyo. Should I have stuck with it?
I saw Conan the Barbarian last night! I can't believe I've got this old without watching it. It was very entertaining indeed. James Earl Jones is great and even Arnie has so few lines he's ok. I still can't decide whether it was meant to be that ridiculous, though.
Daybreakers; a different take on vampire films. What happens after vampires take over and humans (the food supply) become an endangered species?
Pretty good flick...

Solaris, the recent one. Pretty dismal the first time and didn't get much more from it the second time. The actress playing Rheya was awful and the flashbacks of their relationship were either dull or cringeworthy. I tried sitting through the Russian version once, but got lost on the highway flyovers of Tokyo. Should I have stuck with it?
I quite liked the new film, and I thought it had one of George Clooney's best performances. Have you read the book?
Watched Wild Target at the cinema a few days ago. Really enjoyed it. Wasn't rolling in your seats hilarious (although plenty of funny bits), wasn't constant action, but just a very well written film. Completely the stuff I've been learning for the past year, really! Bill Nighy's character was great and Rupert Grint wasn't bad either (but then he was always the one of the three Potter film children who could act) and Martin Freeman's creepy grin was awesome (but then I am a Freeman fan anyway).
Watched Alice in Wonderland last night. Entertaining,great performances but I'm spoiled by the version I remember as a kid-nothing will ever beat that for me! My favourite character has to be Cheshir Cat!
One thing tho-this is not for small children! Is that how the original book is,dark and slightly scary?-I've never read it (shame on me!)
Decided I'd watch The Machinist tonight, as it's been on my shelf since Christmas.

Strange film. Very strange. Good, but it disturbed me a little. The idea was pretty decent, and it was executed well, but it was still an odd film.

I really enjoyed the music, though - it didn't fit at all! Reminded me of the background music to the old Casper game on the PS1 - sort of Disney styled cartoon horror. :D
I remember commenting on the music to my housemate when I watched it as well. Can't remember what exactly, but also along the lines of how it didn't seem to fit.
Saw Hellboy 2 on DVD and it turned out better on second watch. DVD also had a kickass making of docu, which shows that a surprising amount of visual FX in the film were practical rather than digital.
I watched The Woodsman with Kevin Bacon as a recently released from Prison Child Molester battling against his dark desires and trying to get on with his life. I thought it was a very good film, not as funny as I thought it might be, but well made and brilliant to handle such a tricky subject so well.
Then last night I watched Rashomon by Akira Kurosawa, wasn't what I expected, but very good. The special Edition DVD came with a little booklet about the film and points out that it has been copied so much that the narrative style might not be so shocking for a modern viewer, I feel that was certainly the case. I think I have seen the narrative idea handled better with films like usual suspects, but I did really enjoy it, I do love Kurosawa films and I'm looking to watching Ran also by Kurosawa.
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I watched The Woodsman with Kevin Bacon as a recently released from Prison Child Molester battling against his dark desires and trying to get on with his life. I thought it was a very good film, not as funny as I thought it might be, but well made and brilliant to handle such a tricky subject so well.
Then last night I watched Rashomon by Akira Kurosawa, wasn't what I expected, but very good. The special Edition DVD came with a little booklet about the film and points out that it has been copied so much that the narrative style might not be so shocking for a modern viewer, I feel that was certainly the case. I think I have seen the narrative idea handled better with films like usual suspects, but I did really enjoy it, I do love Kurosawa films and I'm looking to watching Ran also by Kurosawa.
@ Woodsman: I think the movie would have been disastrous if it had tried to be funny. The scene of his redemption comes a little pat but I liked the whole build-up of the character and Kevin Bacon pulls off a difficult performance just right.

@Rashomon: Glad you liked it. Along with these you should also check out the following Kurosawa movies, if you haven't already:

High & Low
Seven Samurai
just watched Astroboy on DVD. Altho it does steal from at least 3 well known films (A.I., Pinochio and Oliver Twist) and it doesnt really work as a kids film (my Matthew would find parts of it quite frightening) I did enjoy it!
Watched Pirate Radio; Not as funny as I had hoped but an enjoyable, humorous, look at the past with some good tunes that I haven't heard in a long time.

just watched Astroboy on DVD. Altho it does steal from at least 3 well known films (A.I., Pinochio and Oliver Twist) and it doesnt really work as a kids film (my Matthew would find parts of it quite frightening) I did enjoy it!
Giving kids a decent scare once in a while is quite good for their overall development. Sage advice from a bachelor :p

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