What was the last movie you saw?

It was... strange. Not sure I enjoyed it. It's much more of a teen girl flick than I thought it would be, and some of the acting isn't great. It whiles away an evening, but unless you really like that kind of thing, you'll probably be left feeling unsatisfied.

As for The Human Centipede, it's a lot less gory than I was expecting - bandages are used to imply gore and a lot of the acting lessens the effect. Yeah, there's blood and you see him doing a bit of slicing, but no stitching and you don't see the centipede without the bandages. Otherwise, the rest it what you expect to see from a standard action film - you see far worse things in Kill Bill. Heck, From Dusk Till Dawn out-gores THC by a long shot.

True, it leaves you feeling a bit squeamish, but not terribly so.
Screened several movies for the first time last light;
"Push"; a pretty good mental powers, chase, action film.... entertaining.
"From Paris With Love"; staring John Travolta, again a pretty good, shoot'em up, spy, action film. Travolta obviously was having fun in this one, I'm normally not much of a Travolta fan, but found this film enjoyable.
"The Quick and the Dead", a made for TV western; I would class this one as good solid entertainment.
I lucked out; no bummers this time arround...I would say they are all worth buying, and certainly worth renting.

The original The Andromeda Strain, I've seen it before but noticed it was on again so thought I'd catch the first few minutes, which of course means I've ended up sitting down and watching it all over again.

The finally isn't as strong as the rest of it but still an absolute SF classic.
Just watched Sex Drugs and Rock and Roll
Andy Sirkis is epic as Ian Dury-what a great film!
Dury was full of one liners, little takes on life like "Never let it be said I let my failure go to my head."
Finally saw Avatar. Thoroughly enjoyed it and wish I'd made the effort to see it in the cinema. It is however, Dancing with Elvish Smurfs. Which I couldn't get out of my head.

Naughty bad evil corporation. (Le yawn).
Invictus. Have to admit, it was much better than I thought it would be. Kudos to Morgan Freeman and Clint Eastwood. Matt Damon was okay too.
Ah, I want to see that. Thanks for the reminder.

The wife and I watched The Duchess over the weekend. I didn't expect much but surprisingly I enjoyed it. Ralph Fiennes is always watchable, even playing a *******...
Haven't seen this one but IMO Ralph Fiennes is especially watchable when playing a *******. It's the nice guy type he doesn't do so well.
saw alice in wonderland in the theatre recently. i loved the visuals so much i wish i'd gone to the 3d showing instead. has anyone seen both, was the difference powerful?
I saw Get Him to the Greek. There were some strange sequences, but overall I thought it was pretty good. Russell Brand is always funny, but the unexpected hilarity came from Sean Combs.
Took the kiddies to see Toy Story 3. It was pretty good, but I think maybe not as good as the first couple. I don't know, maybe it's me and I'm just used to the Toy Story model so it's not as impressive...Good though, recommend everyone see it :)
He makes a nice Voldemort. :p Apparently he was in The Hurt Locker, too - I have to say that I didn't recognise him.

I saw The Constant Gardener a couple of years back - me mam is a John le Carré fan, so we all sat down to watch it. I don't know what it was about it, but all four of us hated it.


Last film I saw was The Wolfman. Not bad... I liked Anthony Hopkins, but I doubt I'll watch it again. Some nice effects, though... apart from one horrible moment near the end where the computer graphics are disgustingly visible - everything looks like it's made from wet clay. Really off-putting.
I saw Jonah Hex yesterday. I have never read the comic book so I had no preconceptions about the movie. Despite all the bad reviews, I found the movie very entertaining. It was fast paced and action packed, which after all is what this type of movie is supposed to be. I would recommend it to anyone who likes action movies and/or westerns.
The Jonah Hex comics were a peak in ...cowboy comics, read 'em all. The English is hilarious, whole sentences go by without a properly spelled word. Gotta see it. AND Toy Story 3 ! Fun.
I didn't really get The Constant Gardener to be honest. It seemed a bit afraid of admitting it was a thriller.

I saw Apocalypto last night, and rather enjoyed it. It reminded me of watching a hard-fought game of rugby: every few minutes I found myself thinking "Ooh, that must have hurt!" Although I regard Mel Gibson warily to say the least, it was nice to see a film in such an unusual setting that was still pretty accessible.
Ralph Fiennes was one of the British soldiers in the hurt locker, I think he was the commander of the unit that all got shot really easily and so the bomb disposal experts had to act like snipers for hours to rescue themselves from a situation that they had got into by assuming that the British were actually enemy forces because they were wearing very thin disguises.

I watched The Walker with Woody Harrelson, a political thriller where woody plays a gay man that 'walks' rich women from one place to another, he gets mixed up in a murder. Really well acted by Woody, not seen him as such a camp charcater, I thought the film was a bit slow and nothing special, but woody's performance was very good.

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