New year, new books... What we're reading in January.

I have just finished A Fine And Private Place, that was a great book really fascinating Peter B's insights into the human soul, ghost or alive and how we are. Some of it flew over my head although I tried to comprehend it all.

Like a fantasy novel who also desired to be a philosophy book, great. The book seemed to flow past aswell, seemed as light and floaty and free as a ghost. Quite a peculiar book but quite wonderful.

What I really loved was in this book there were 2 references, guess what...

' Unicorns and sad virgins...'


'There are no happy endings....because nothing ends.'

I am sure you know what they were used in at a later date.

Now reading William Nicholson's - Slaves of The Mastery

I have read the first book The Wind Singer and that books really was superb, very very original and amazingly fascinating in the imagery of the world that it provokes in your mind. Another wonderful book like Peter Beagle's.

So all in all I am impressed, chuffed and cheerful.
I'm reading Robert Graves' I, Claudius- it's very, very good!

Spot on it (and the follow up) are both great.

I've just finished Seven Basic Plots: Why We Tell Stories by Christopher Booker. Which was a bit of a slog in the midsection, but worth it as it's interesting.

Next up is Wolf Brother: Book One of the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness by Michelle Pavier
I just finished reading Brown Rat's book Bead's Pickle- it was really good! I'm now reading the 4th book in The Dresden Files. Can't wait to watch the show on Sunday!
Just finished The Golden Transcendence, by John C. Wright. The third book of The Golden Age trilogy. Very good far-future transhuman SF!

Previously to that, I'd read The Last Guardian of Everness and Mists of Everness by the same author. Prior to that, Orphans of Chaos, by the same author again.

Currently reading Tad William's The War of the Flowers. After that, I've got a pile of Orson Scott Card books waiting on my shelf to be read.
Have also finished off Cthulhu's Heirs -- an odd book, but I find things in there I quite like, and all of them I find give an interesting slant to the ideas. Such works sparked by HPL are always a mixed bag; but I'd say there's some intriguing stuff here, and I rather enjoyed the book.

Am now beginning another of those volumes of Washington Irving; this one contains his Astoria; or, Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains, Salmagundi, and The Adventures of Captain Bonneville; all of which I'll be reading interspersed with other books off and on.....
I've just come from the One Book Wonder thread, where Heller is being discussed again... and Washington Irving brought me out in giggles. :p

I'm about halfway through Fallon's Medalon. It's good.
I'm glad to hear you are enjoying Jennifer Fallon's books, Lenny.:)

Have just finished reading Book One of The Last Rune/Beyond The Pale by Mark Anthony. It wasn't until about chapter 21 that I started to enjoy his book, although I don't think I will bother with his next book.

I have know started another trilogy. This by Anne Kelleher called Through The Shadowlands and Beyond. Book 1 is entitled Silver's Edge, and so far (page 137) I still haven't found it to be a 'riveting' read. :( Hopefully it will improve soon.
1/3 through the Hobbit and loving! Heheh I liked the part where he met Gollum and they had that riddle competition!
Stepped aside for a day on the Irving to read another Moorcock, The Black Corridor (written with Hilary Bailey) and have just finished that....
Am reading Tragically I Was An Only Twin: The Complete Peter Cook, edited by William Cook.

Am also reading The Bus Driver Who Wanted To Be God & Other Stories by Etgar Keret .... a collection of very warped tales. I'd like to have a wander in this man's mind.
Finished The Shadow of the Wind. Wow, what a magic book! Rich, original, passionate and spellbinding. The writing is beautiful and classic with superb prose and plenty of humour. The book filled with amazing characters (don't you just love Fermin) - larger than life yet so alive. I can hear their dialogue with Mediterranean accent in my ears. It's a book that will make you laugh, weep, heart-pounding; a book that will stay with you for a long time and to be read again. Next time to Barcelona, it'll be an entirely different city in my eyes and I'll be walking on the old streets and looking for the ancient door with a demon faced knocker - The Cemetery of Forgotten Books. I'm so glad to read that the talented author is writing a second novel set in the same city.
Just finished The Summer Night by Jim Butcher (#4 of The Dresden Files) and I'm now reading The Water Mirror by Kai Meyer.
My sons girlfriend has just lent me 17 Terry Pratchet Books....:D :D :D

I just finished Soul funny!!
Just finished The Water Mirror and now I'm reading Troll Fell by Katherine Langrish.
Finished The Red Skull... now back to Irving's Astoria... (he does the historical stories quite well....)
Finished The Shadow of the Wind. Wow, what a magic book! Rich, original, passionate and spellbinding. The writing is beautiful and classic with superb prose and plenty of humour.... I'm so glad to read that the talented author is writing a second novel set in the same city.

Glad you like the book Allegra. It's become one of my favourites from last year and thank you very much for the information that there's going to be another book. :)

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