It's February Already! What We're Reading...

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Finished two books over the long weekend: First on the Menu by Sister Eleanor Quin (this one is non-fiction from 1969; I'd read it long ago and picked it up again after being reminded of it by a blogger whose work I follow) and The Republican Noise Machine, by David Brock, which I mentioned here earlier as being in progress.

So, I'm still working on The Republican War on Science on the non-fiction side, and I'm about two-thirds of the way through The Templar Legacy, by Steve Berry (more Dan Brown-esque fiction, only better-written and generally more fun). I'm beginning to believe that there is no end to these DaVinci Clones, but as long as they're fun I'll keep reading them. I actually find them kind of relaxing, in a popcorn sort of way. :)
Well, whatever the literary equivalent of channel surfing is, I'm doing it... Besides The Good People, I've also got on the boil: Douglass's Hade's Daughter; King's On Writing; and a compendium of interviews with children's fantasy writers, which I think is called Wand in the Words. But don't hold me to that...
I've got to book three of The Farseer Trilogy, and can't motivate myself to finish it. I'm still finding it hard to empathise with any of the characters.

Just finished the boxed set of Narnia I got for Christmas... it was blatantly religious by the end, and too abrupt. I disapprove!

Next; probably A Sundial in a Grave again. I'm in a Mary Gentle kind of mood.
Next text for my English course: The Importance of being Earnest. I'm 20 pages through (so technically a third!) and loving it, it's very funny. And because it's so short, it means I can hopefully get some recreational reading done this week, woot!

My favourite line so far: "To lose one parent, Mr Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness."

aaah, Oscar Wilde's wit:)
Finally finished A Fistful of Charms. I think it was the weakest in the Rachel Morgan series, by Kim Harrison. But I do look forward to the next one.

Now reading If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B-Movie Actor, by Bruce Campbell.
Finished The Importance of Being Earnest...hehe, 'twas very good.

I've now decided to read The Princess Bride. I'm only a few pages into it, but I am liking it already.
Just starting The Lost Journals of Ven Polypheme: The Floating Island by Elizabeth Haydon.
I have just finished to read Across the nightingale floor and Grass for his pillow by Liam Hearn and cannot wait to the end of half term to borrow book three of the tales of the otori. It is almost as good as books by Robin Hobb.:D
Ooh, I've read those two...never read the third one though (suppose I should really!) I quite enjoyed them, although I didn't find them particularly astounding.

Actually, if I want to read the third one, I feel like I should read the first and second again before I do...I can only remember bits of them!
im re-reading julian may books - currently on the unborn king although i did read adversary first as it was the one i found rather than hunted for
Managed to finish King "Gunslinger" - at last - for such a slim book it contained a lot of descriptions. For me, its not a book to read when doing other things, you need to concentrate on the reading and lately haven't had much time like that. Anyway - liked it - and will buy the next book in the serie sometime in the future - not right now - this book wasn't that interesting :eek:
Now re-reading Lukjanenkos "Twilight watch" (russian edition - no it's not translated yet :rolleyes:) - because I just feel like it.
Also re-starting Gibson's "Difference engine" and Perumov's "Death of Gods" (my translation, the original name in latin letters is "Gibel Bogov") - hopefully I'll manage to finish these books this time.
Oh, yeah, I agree that The Gunslinger isn't that great...but I assure you, the next one, The Drawing of the Three, is much better. And then the one after that, The Wastelands, is fantastic!
Oh, yeah, I agree that The Gunslinger isn't that great...but I assure you, the next one, The Drawing of the Three, is much better. And then the one after that, The Wastelands, is fantastic!
Thank's - I've read reviews suggesting as much - still my to-read list is full at the moment :cool: I'll make a room for these book when this list shrinks below 150 - OK ?
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