It's February Already! What We're Reading...

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I'm reading A Spell for Chameleon by Piers Anthony. I'm halfway and its quite amusing and engaging so far.
Next up is Necroscope by Brian Lumley. Never tried it before.
Believe it or not 'Artemis Fowl and the Opal Deception' by Eoin Colfer and don't ask me why!
I'm still quite partial to the Artemis Fowl books. They're very good YA books...I definitely prefer them over Harry Potter.

Anyhoos, just finished Equal Rites a mere two minutes ago. Now, I do believe I'll move onto...Flowers for Algernon.
Just discovered Wen Spencer's "Dog Warrior" that I got for christmas, and had lost in my suitcase, and not yet even looked at properly (salivates slightly)

Lucky you, Chris!

Like IceMonkey, I'm starting Colfer's Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception.
Lol, thanks for the warning, J.D...I'm a few pages in and the thought has already crossed my mind that I'll probably be bawling by the end...

I I won't, I'll be fine...ahem...:D
I was reading a young Bond novel, Silverfin by Charlie Higson, but it was dull so I dumped it.

Now reading a translation of the epic poem Beowulf, a non-fic book 500 Nations an Illustrated history of the North American Indians by Alvin M. Josephy, Jr and a great short story collection by Yuyin Li called A Thousand Years of Good Prayers.
During my week holiday in Cancun, I read:
Sarantine Mosaic - superb, but then I'm a big fan of GGK.
Elantris - It was ok. At the beginning, the bad guys are rather obviously portrayed, but it did get better in the end with a few twists.
Curse of Chalion and Paladin of Souls - I quite enjoyed these books and have just started Hallowed Hunt. At this point, I would say that I enjoy her writing, and would buy more of her books.
Finished The Shub-Niggurath Cycle, am now browsing through Daniel Harms' Encyclopedia Cthulhuiana (second edition) in-between other things, such as Seegers' (and Brookes') poems.
Am reading Final Reckonings - The Complete Stories of Robert Bloch Volume 1. It contains:
Mannikins of Horror
Almost Human
The Beasts of Barsac
The Skull of the Marquis de Sade
The Bogey Man Will Get You
Frozen Fear
The Tunnel of Love
The Unspeakable Betrothal
Tell Your Fortune
The Head Man
The Shadow from the Steeple
The Man Who Collected Poe
Lucy Comes To Stay
The Thinking Cap
Constant Reader
The Pin
The Goddess of Wisdom
The Past Master
Where the Buffalo Roam
I Like Blondes
You Got To Have Brains
A Good Imagination
Dead-End Doctor
Terror in the Night
All on a Golden Afternoon
Founding Fathers
String of Pearls
I'm reading Pushing Ice by Alistair Reynolds.
Am resolved to finish The Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson but its a lot harder to get into then Cryptonomicon.
Nesa: I'm surprised that this didn't have some of his other early pieces, like his first, "The Feast in the Abbey" or "Druidic Doom" (the last of which shares elements with "Notebook Found in a Deserted House"). Let me know if none of the following volumes has those, and I'll see if I can find something that does for you, should you be interested. (Also, keep an eye out for his "Black Lotus"... I think you'd find that one of interest as well.)
Just got all my books out of storage. Going to re read all my Robert A. Heinlein
And of course. Have to read Where the wild things are and where is my cow to the 3 month old. he don't understand but looks at the pictures.
'Twas Library day today! Whee!!

I got out six books, and haven't a clue which order I'll read them in:

Walter Moers - A Wild Ride Through the Night
L.E. Modesitt Jr. - Ordermaster
Pratchett - The Light Fantastic
Pratchett - Interesting Times
Pratchett - The Last Continent
Eric Van Lustbader - The Veil of a Thousand Tears

You can never have too much Pratchett. :p
Just starting Perdido Street Station, by China Mieville
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