It's February Already! What We're Reading...

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'Twas Library day today! Whee!!

I got out six books, and haven't a clue which order I'll read them in:

Walter Moers - A Wild Ride Through the Night
L.E. Modesitt Jr. - Ordermaster
Pratchett - The Light Fantastic
Pratchett - Interesting Times
Pratchett - The Last Continent
Eric Van Lustbader - The Veil of a Thousand Tears

You can never have too much Pratchett. :p

Be sure to read the PTerrys in that order, Lenny - Last Continent follows directly on from Interesting Times.
Funnily enough, I bought Ordermaster on Thursday! Great minds think alike, eh?
Fools seldom differ. :rolleyes:

Give me some credit, Pyan. It's not as this is the first time I've read any Pratchett. For those 3 it's about the fourth or fifth times.

I just wish they'd had The Colour of Magic in, and the Rincewind trilogy, so I could read them all... but no. :(
And I'm about to do my usual weekend reading of another Doc Savage novel; this time it's The Sargasso Ogre...
Oh, blimey, I've just this moment finished Flowers for Algernon...what a brilliant, brilliant book. Absolutely fantastic...The last few pages...Oh, Gods...Such a beautiful book...It's been a while since I read something so powerful. There were times when I wanted to throw it across the room because of various characters and their reaction to Charlie.
Oh, and the ending...

Ahem...anyways...I think I need a bit of light relief now, so it's Tom Holt's Dead Funny, which contains Flying Dutch and Faust Amoung Equals.

Oh, what a book, what a book...Flowers of Algernon, definitely one of my favourite books now...
I'm just about to start Lisey's Story by Stephen King.
Just finished book seven of The Crown of Stars by Kate Elliott. Good ending. I saw some of them coming and some unexpected, but I cried so much. Can't say much, probably will have to reread the last 100 pages because it was just too much then, I'm sure I missed some things. Good ending, not the perfect ending for me though.
I recently finished People of the Owl by Kathleen O'Neal Gear and W. Michael Gear and I 'm now 60 pages into People of the Silence. I expected Owl to be good since I had been so totally enthralled by People of the Wolf and, although it was a bit slow in places, I wasn't disappointed.

Yes, it would have been nice to have read the whole series in order but--fortunately--it isn't necessary because each story could stand alone.
Pyanfaruk ... I'd like to know what you think about Perdido Street Station please having discovered Mieville only last year.

JD ... I found Final Reckonings at a remainder book sale and there were no other volumes. The regular bookstores in Malaysia don't have anything by him at all, aside from the occasional copy of Psycho so anything you could find would be very welcome indeed. I loved Final Reckonings.

Hoopy ... Algernon is one of my favoutite tails too. Makes me cry every single time and I really like all the attention to detail and the way the writing style changes.
I'll be more than happy to keep my eyes open for them. Should I find any of these volumes, or anything else by him I think may be of interest, I'll be more than happy to let you know.

Hoopy: Very glad you liked the book. Definitely one of the major classics to come out of the sf field, and one that long ago settled the argument whether or not this branch of literature can be Literature. Try to catch the 1968 film version "Charly" with Cliff Robertson some time. His performance (well, the film in general) is definitely worth of the book.
Oh, blimey, I've just this moment finished Flowers for Algernon...what a brilliant, brilliant book. Absolutely fantastic...The last few pages...Oh, Gods...Such a beautiful book...It's been a while since I read something so powerful. There were times when I wanted to throw it across the room because of various characters and their reaction to Charlie.
Oh, and the ending...

Couldn't agree more -- Flowers is one of the most poignant things I've ever read. Hoopy, if you can find it, try and read the original short this was expanded from (Keyes won a Hugo award for the short in 1960 and a Nebula for the 'novel' in 1966) -- it's the same story, but if anything carries even more impact.
Finished The Lucifer Gospel by Paul Christopher. Good, not great, but all popcorn has to do is make me keep the pages turning, and in this one I liked the main protagonists enough to do that. One of the best things about the book is the swipe or two he takes at Dan Brown along the way. :p
Just finished Artemis Fowl (the first book).

Now I'm trying to overcome my dislike for Robert Heinlein and read Podkayne of Mars.
Finished The Carpet Makers by Andreas Eschbach. Not bad. Probably suffered a bit in translation -- the writing was not as good as I'd been led to believe. And while the story was good, it did seem a little old-fashioned.

Have now started on The Butterflies of Memory, a collection of Ian Watson's stories.
Pyanfaruk ... I'd like to know what you think about Perdido Street Station please having discovered Mieville only last year.

Will do, Cat - still very early on in it, as at the moment I am only reading last thing at night, and keep dropping off - no reflection on what I'm reading, more a case of fatigue overcoming the will.:)
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