It's February Already! What We're Reading...

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Haven't had hardly any time for reading the last few days, but I did get to finish The Sargasso Ogre. Now going to attempt to read The Death of Vishnu, by Manil Suri, and hope that the next few days actually allow me some reading space! Sheesh!:(
Due to a change of plans, I'm going to read 'Jane Eyre,' by Charlotte Bronte after Eldest.
Tell me how you go with Death of Vishnu JD. I cried of course at the end. It's a good book.

Have fun with Jane Eyre Kitera. I do hope you find yourself liking it. It's one of my favourite books of its kind along with Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter.
Just finished American Gods and now starting Anansi Boys. Gods is obviously a complex novel and beautifully written at that, but Stardust still remains my favourite.

Cheers DeepThought
Finished Soul Music. Good, but not my favorite of the Pratchett books. Now dipping into nonfiction and reading The Coming Storm: the true causes of freak weather - and why it's going to get worse.
Just finished Banewreaker by Jacqueline Carey. Good, although the links between it and LOTR were a bit too obvious in places (yes, I get that it is meant to be a spin on the old tale, told from the perspective of the bad guy; but still, a little too far, I think). Still, it has her excellent characterisation and writing style.

Now reading The Black Company (just picked it up again after stopping halfway through) then onto the fourth in the series (the only one I could get- I dislike my local library intently). Then onto some non-SF books- Lord Jim by Jospeh Conrad.
Still getting a laugh out of mixing some Pratchett in every now and again, finishing Sourcery the other day.

Just finished My name is Legion by Roger Zelazny. enjoyable read over all though the second story was (IMO) by far the weakest of the three but Home is the Hangman made up for it nicely.

Continuing with my wander through classic SF (thats not an invitation to debate :D) I'm on to Authur C Clarke's The Fountains of Paradise next.
I've got 2 books that I'm reading right now- Lisey's Story by Stephen King, and a YA book, Poison, by Chris Wooding.
I just finished Xen by D.J. Solomon. This is something you should read if you are tired of the usual and you would like to live in a world free of hate, prejudice, war etc. It's published by Avar Press which is having a essay scholarship competition based on the book. I need help with my paper if anyone has read it and has some ideas. Please hurry - I only have until the end of the month! Thanks.
Finished Piratica by Tanith Lee last night. Ah, old memories. I first read it ages before I got into fantasy. I'll be starting Trail of the Huntress by Mark Robson today...that is after I've used up ever last bit of snow in sight! Sorry...couldn't resist putting in that off-topic bit of information - hardly ever snows around here!!
Rergh...I read Frankenstein yesterday. Yup, all in one day. As you can imagine, I didn't get anything else done! But it's for my English Course, so it had to be read...
Still, it was quite a good book.
The Magic of Recluce by LE Modesitt Jr

I find his writing style a bit strange but it's very enjoyable so far.
You get used to it about halfway through his books. Which, interestingly, seems to be when things start to happen.

Have you read any of his other Recluce books?
dsmith .. Loved Poison. I like the way Chris Wooding's mind works. Have liked all his books since I stumbled upon The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray.

I just checked out The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray yesterday.I just finished Poison- it was great!
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