It's February Already! What We're Reading...

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My mission, if I choose to accept it (damn, I have to!) is to read Jane Eyre in a weekend!

Oh, what an awful thing to do to a good book! Have you no shame, Newt?:rolleyes:

Ravenus: I read Legion a very long time ago, along with a re-read of The Exorcist (since it had been close to 20 years since I'd read that one).... My feeling is that it isn't a sequel in the usual sense of the word, though it does have strong ties to the original. Both are examinations of the nature of evil, though, and show changes in Blatty's own views as he has pondered this question over the years. I think it falters as being a bit too simplistic, but it does give the book a bit more depth because it does reflect his honest concerns about things, so he's put a fair amount of himself into it; and as a novel, while flawed, it is well worth reading, I think.

On comparing to The Exorcist... I think that the earlier novel used a more varied style, from a near prose-poetic to very gritty and choppy style, whereas this one pretty much maintains a single tone and approach. And on the film... I've always rather liked Exorcist III... it's a complete failure as a horror film, but Blatty never intended it for that; rather as a film about this issues, presented in an exchatolotical suspense-thriller format; it wobbles, but it's got a lot to recommend it as long as it isn't viewed as a horror film. (I love the dialogue about the fish in the bathtub, I must admit....;) )
The problem with starting at The Opal Deception is that it's the fourth in the series.

You really need to start With Artemis Fowl, then Arctic Incident, then Eternity Code, followed by Opal Deception and, last but not least, Lost Colony.

They might be more for the young 'uns, but they're still a good series.

I agree- I've read all of them and really liked them, but it helps to read them in order.
There's going to be another Fowl book! :D
But it's going to be the last! :(

Artemis Fowl 6 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's also considering writing another Supernaturalist book, which should be interesting. And Alex Rider 7 (Snakehead) is being released in the latter part of the year.


At the moment I'm re-re-re-reading, Pratchett's The Last Continent.
There's going to be another Fowl book! :D
But it's going to be the last! :(

Artemis Fowl 6 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's also considering writing another Supernaturalist book, which should be interesting. And Alex Rider 7 (Snakehead) is being released in the latter part of the year.


At the moment I'm re-re-re-reading, Pratchett's The Last Continent.

I'm looking forward to another Artemis Fowl book! I didn't like The Supernaturalist as much as the Artemis Fowl books though.
Well, it was nice to have a change in scenery.

Have you read The Wish List?

That's something I've just realised... I've lumped Alex Rider in with Artemis Fowl... why?!
Well, it was nice to have a change in scenery.

Have you read The Wish List?

That's something I've just realised... I've lumped Alex Rider in with Artemis Fowl... why?!

No, I haven't read The Wish List yet. How does it compare to Artemis Fowl?
Well... it's aimed at more or less the same age-group, and it's written well, but that's as far as comparisons go.

A girl is killed in a gas explosion, and is given the task of doing 5 good things for the old man whose house she was robbing the night of the explosion, so she can get into heaven.
Well... it's aimed at more or less the same age-group, and it's written well, but that's as far as comparisons go.

A girl is killed in a gas explosion, and is given the task of doing 5 good things for the old man whose house she was robbing the night of the explosion, so she can get into heaven.

Just checked and my library has it- I might have to try it. Thanks!
No problemo.


I finished LC about 20 minutes ago, and now I'm on to:

Ordermaster by L.E. Modesitt Jr.
Finished Equator by Brian Aldiss. A quick read. A spy story set in Malaysia... except the baddies are alien humanoids who have been allowed to settle on a reserve in Sumatra, and the maguffin is their plan for an invasion. Dated, plotting a little haphazard in places, but a fun read. Now starting Sea-Kings of Mars by Leight Brackett, one of the Fantasy Masterworks series.
Oh, what an awful thing to do to a good book! Have you no shame, Newt?:rolleyes:

Hey, it's not by choice, I assure you! It has to be finished by Tuesday and, looking at the beast of a book now, I think it's going to be nigh on impossible (especially as I have other reading to do at the same time.) Yikes!

I'll have a bloody good go, though :D
I've just re-read some excellent old SF classic shorts:
Who can replace a Man? by Brian Aldiss
The Streets of Ashkelon by Harry Harrison
A Martian Odyssey by Stanley G. Weinbaum
What's it like Out There? by Edmond Hamilton

All from issue 2 and 3 of James Gunn's (ed.) The Road to Science Fiction. My favourites.
I'm reading Heir to the Shadows, by Anne Bishop. Haven't had much time to read lately, though, so hopefully I can finish it before the end of the month!
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