The Revived Tolkien Trivia

Who is described in the following verses?

Grandson, son, brother,
nephew, and cousin to kings.
Treachery and war,
and songs are my tools.
Yet regret is only
what vengeance brings.
Wandering forever,
lamenting the jewels.
That would be Maglor, son of Feanor, grandson of Finwe, brother of Maedhros, nephew of Fingolfin and Finarfin, and cousin to Fingon, Turgon, Finrod, Orodreth, Aegnor and Angrod.
Geneologies Table I, The House of Finwe, The Silmarillion
'If none can release us,' said Maglor, 'then indeed the Everlasting Darkness shall be our lot, whether we keep our oath or break it, but less evil shall we do in the breaking.' Yet he yielded at last to the will of Maedhros, and they took counsel together how they should lay hands on the Silmarils. And they disguised themselves, and came in the night to the camp of Eonwe, and crept into the place where the Silmarils were guarded, and they slew the guards, and laid hands on the jewels.

And it is told of Maglor that he could not endure the pain with which the Silmaril tormented him; and he cast it at last into the Sea, and thereafter he wandered ever upon the shores, singing in pain and regret beside the waves. For Maglor was mighty among the singers of old, named only after Daeron of Doriath; but he never came back among the people of the Elves.
Quenta Silmarillion, Chapter XXIV, Of the Voyage of Earendil, The Silmarillion
*Peers into Bo's Bag of Bells with Baited Breath*

"Might I take this one with the weeping harp on it? Seems appropriate...thankee kindly!"

And I don't know what's come over me, but my challenges are demanding rhyme lately (apologies for the poor verse, if we can even call it such):

I am the spy without a name
beasts and business are my game
I seem to leave and yet remain
on the edge, the last in a lane

Who am I, and where am I?

(Quotes appreciated, but not required)
But as they drew near to the further gate, Frodo saw a dark ill-kept house behind a thick hedge; the last house in the village. In one of the windows he caught a glimpse of a sallow face with sly, slanting eyes; but it vanished at once.

The Fellowship of the Ring, Book I, Chapter 11, A Knife in the Dark
I guess I never answered the question... Bill Ferny's squint eyed friend in Bree.
Correct. A sallow-faced bell to you sir, along with the privilege of asking the next challenge.
Alrighty... Staying with the rhyming... andI don't need the maids' names... I only want the names of the people to whom the entire poem pertains.

Fostered by Elves and born in the North.
To guard the land, I was sent forth.
My famous sword was known as well;
It began with an A and ended in L.
My friends were glad and my foes knew dread
when seeing an object on my head.
I did not requite a royal maid's affection,
but learned of an augury in her direction.
Of my names, one's akin to an Elf;
but the most acclaimed I gave myself.
Who are we?
Recently, I've been comparing characters in Middle-earth and seeing similarities. And I always am afraid I'll make it too obvious, like Haley Joel Osment saying, "I see dead people." Of course, I think all the information is pertinent, but maybe it's too confusing. If you need more information, then insert the line...

Family pride was one of my goals.
My sire's renowned fight was 'gainst the Trolls.

And just to let you know, I do not require any references.... if you know them, you know them. And I'll be out of town until Monday, I'll try to check in... good luck slaying this dragon.
You don't need to supply information for each line. If you do, then you'll earn more respect from me. You can just tell me the people.
I've held on to my conviction of not simplifying my trivia, yet it appears that I've stalled the game. So I will change the question from "Who are we?" to "Who am I?"

Fostered by Elves and born in the North,
To guard the land, I was sent forth.
My famous sword was known as well;
It began with an A and ended in L.
My friends were glad and my foes knew dread
when seeing an object on my head.
I did not requite a royal maid's affection,
but learned of an augury in her direction.
Of my names, one's akin to an Elf;
but the most acclaimed I gave myself.

Who am I?

And here's another line that may help:
Family pride was one of my goals.
My sire's renowned fight was 'gainst the Trolls.
Okay.... I've come to the conclusion that this trivia does not interest anyone.

Here's something different to keep the game going:

To what were "peas and apples" compared?
Going back to the first iteration of the question, it's not so much disinterest as an inability to get the answer! I guess one of the two you wanted was Aragorn (with Andúril), but assuming the other sword was Anglachel (as Anguirel doesn't seem to play much part in anything after forging) I couldn't reconcile the rest of the rhyme to any one wielder.

The answer to your latest is Men and Hobbits. Bilbo has just finished chanting Eärendil was a mariner in Rivendell:
What!' cried Bilbo. 'You can't tell which parts were mine, and which were the Dúnadan's?' 'It is not easy for us to tell the difference between two mortals' said the Elf.
'Nonsense, Lindir,' snorted Bilbo. 'If you can't distinguish between a Man and a Hobbit, your judgement is poorer than I imagined. They're as different as peas and apples.'
FotR, Bk2, Ch1, Many Meetings
@pyan Correct. The bells of Rivendell are ringing for you!

Here's my explanation of the rhyme.... I was looking for Aragorn and Turin.

Fostered by Elves and born in the North, Only Aragorn, Turin, and Tuor are recorded as fostered by Elves after being born in the north
To guard the land, I was sent forth. Turin served with the march wardens of Doriath, Aragron was a ranger
My famous sword was known as well;
It began with an A and ended in L.
The only three swords that fit are Andruril (Aragorn), Anguirel (Eol, Thingol), and Anglachel (Eol, Thingol, Mablung, Turin)
My friends were glad and my foes knew dread
when seeing an object on my head.
Turin bore the dragon helm of Dor-lomin and Aragorn the Elessar, the Elfstone of Earendil
I did not requite a royal maid's affection,
Finduilas (Turin) and Eowyn (Aragorn)
but learned of an augury in her direction.
Glaurung prophesied that Finduilas was Turin's only escape from his doom. Aragorn knew that "no living man" could defeat the Witch-king.
Of my names, one's akin to an Elf; Adanedhel or Elf-man for Turin. Elessar or Elf-stone for Aragorn
but the most acclaimed I gave myself.
Turin called himself Turambar. Aragorn named himself Telcontar which became the dynastic name of all future kings of both Arnor and Gondor.

Family pride was one of my goals. Turin tried to live up to Hurin, Galdor, Hador and Marach. Aragorn was conscious of his ancestor's successes and failures... Arvedui, Isildur, Elendil, Elros, Earendil, Beren
My sire's renowned fight was 'gainst the Trolls. Hurin's greatest fight was the rear guard action to cover Turgon's retreat in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. After the deaths of Fingon and Huor, Hurin fought against the Troll body guard of Gothmog. Arathorn's only recorded fight, as far as I know, was the one in which he died fighting Trolls.
Dammit - missed Glaurung's prophecy...

Nice easy one: Who would show a woman from the Valley of Flowers how to hurry? (Quote, please)
Brief aside.

I was severely dismayed to read that the name of the company hired to create the electronic border wall on the US Southern border with Mexico is Anduril. Somehow, I don't think Tolkien would have appreciated this reference.
@Grimward Better to be named the Union of Maedhros.

@pyan The trivia is about my favorite minor minor character... and I'll hold off to give someone else a chance.
At least the sons of Feanor were under an unbreakable vow, and predominantly focused on a bad guy, not sure what our (I have to say "our", it's my country) excuse for ignoring the inscription on the statue of liberty is.

OK, done pirating the thread. I'll also hold off.
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