A question ... yes, now I remember, there was always a downside to answering these things ...
By way of deferring that increasingly difficult task, I'd like to propose something. I appreciate this might be seen as "dumbing down", but I think we've established that the current format isn't attracting any new blood, and with some of the old guard away or busy, this thread is becoming, as Pyan says, moribund.
I propose that for a trial period, the need for supporting quotes be at the discretion of the questioner, who would state at the outset "quote required" or "quote not required". For the latter type of question, this would allow someone who thinks s/he knows the answer, but can't remember where it might be, to have a go. The downside would be that anyone could make wild guesses, so i suggest that if someone makes a wrong answer, they are not allowed to try another answer until someone else has had a go.
My hope is that this would make both setting and answering questions a lot less onerous, so keeping the turnover higher and this thread livelier, and hopefully attracting some new players. I don't know how well it would work in practice, but given the current state of things, I think it's worth a go.
Anyone agree/disagree?