The chronicles word counter!

Ta. I just wish I could plug my brain into the computer sometimes and watch all the scenes I have in my head write themselves. Someone should invent that. ;)
If you manage to get hold of such a device, give us a heads up, will you, Mouse? :)
If you manage to get hold of such a device, give us a heads up, will you, Mouse? :)

I'd imagine it wouldn't actually be that far fetched of a device to invent, but would likely result in producing a movie on the screen, before it'd be able to convert it into suitable words.

Now a device that picks up on words as we think about them, that would work the other way around - but then, if we have thought about the words, we don't need the device to write them for us, unless we can't type.

A Breath of Frost, Final Draft progress: 62,000/82,000k complete.
I'd want it to convert what I picture in my head as happening into the most fantastic prose ever.

Today I've written 552 words. Cha-ching.
26,772 - 06/04/2012.

I have been busy - I'm in one of those phases where I'm knocking out words - usually lasts a week at most.

After that - editing - yuk.....
I'd want it to convert what I picture in my head as happening into the most fantastic prose ever.

I want one of those...I have so many awesome scenes in my head, and I can manage to get maybe 1% onto the page in such a way that resembles what I can see in my inner movie player... *sigh*

...until the magic mind-reading novel generator (EmarEnGEN 1.0) hits the shelves, I shall continue with trying to make the mind-keyboard link work better... ;)

(current WIP: Started 06/02/12 - 9,229. Too much sodding research required as I go...:confused:)
my two current WIPs are being slowly done.... Doomed has 2941 words on the computer and somewhere between 300 and 1000 in a notebook that I use to work on it at school.

my other WIP is for my Latin class and has roughly 2002 words in it right now. I think that's great for 2 days work and a bajillion hours research. Although I have to finish it as soon as possible so expect the word count to rise drastically fast.
After a fifth and final draft, my first work is completed - and hopefully with minor tweaks from feedback, will be ready to submit.

Not to mention the numerous name changes, I think I'll stick with this one - unless agent/publisher says otherwise.

Name: A Song for the Future - First Letter in The Codex of Innoudor.
Genre: YA Fantasy
Start Date: August 2011
Word Count: 81,000
Status: Both halves patched together and completed. DRAFT FINISHED.

Hopefully it stays finished this time. :rolleyes:

Time to relax and look into that cover letter/character profiles for Strange Chemistry.
Last edited:
Is this the point where we all have a little party WP?

Well done and a good word count for the YA market, good luck with agents.
Novel - A Moment in Darkness.
Genre - Dark, psychological, personal sci-fi
Current word count - 68776
Start date - 6th August 2011
Status - This is done; well as done as my first drafts get. I have finished the story, but have to go back flesh out scenes (some greatly) add other scenes, more character detail. But the main story is finished. The ending came faster than i expected, but with the finished detail level should be every bit as tear jerking as i think... assuming i get down on paper most of what is in my head:)

So, i started an Enlgish Lit course at uni in September, so have not had a great deal of time to myself or my writing, which is the reason for my tardy update.

Novel - A Moment in Darkness.
Genre - Dark, psychological, personal sci-fi
Current word count - 89,007
Start date - 6th August 2011
Status - First redraft is completed. There are still scenes and characters that need fleshing out, but for now it is shelved, and i shall return to it with fresh, older and wiser eyes at some point down the line, for a final draft and completion.

But for now, i have a new project on the go. I started this quite recently, but with uni mostly done now for the year, i am hopefully going to be working on it full time.

Novel - Untitiled
Genre - YA Fantasy
Current word count - 17,431
Start date - 19th March 2012
Status - Coming along nicely. As said, i plan to work fuill time on this, so hopefully the first draft will be done by the end of June at the latest, with edits and redrafts taking me through to September. I do plan to complete this piece as best i can, and submit; it will be my first attempt, so I need the tough deadline to motivate, i feel.
I think I'll start posting here since I'm making steady progress again. My goal is 1000 words a day, which should finish things up in about a month.

I'm at 30,558 for the piece of my book that I'm working on -- this is the part that I sent to my fabulous readers, which is about the first half of the book. Some of the second half will survive and be added back in, so the count will jump considerably when I get to that point. I *think* it will end up about 75,000, which should be good for a Junior Fiction or YA book.
As promised, AC is being submitted to SC and put in a very small virtual drawer for at least 2 months.
Sunset over Abendau, (sequel) 40000 words, replotted, chapters and material planned, main WIP for now

The Murmuring Past (stand alone time travelling) 4000 words, now fully plotted, and mostly a for fun project when the above stalls.
Ok, double post, wordcount largely unchanged, but a really good day writing, words are finally flowing for the sequel, I can see where it's going, and I know what the ending is. I've written at least 6000 words today, and deleted 4000 that weren't doing it from the original bits, and am delighted. The downside? The Roamers are back... so I also spent an hour building their culture on paper, writing down what I know of them, while my kids bounced on the trampoline in the sun...
, writing down what I know of them, while my kids bounced on the trampoline in the sun...

That's impressive! If I tried that, my daughter would fit in at least 4000 "Look, Mom" and "Watch me, Mom"s and I would get 2 or 3 words written if I was lucky. :D

You know you need the kids to go to bed when, no matter who is talking or what they just said, you respond with "WHAT???"
I'm going to pop my head in here as a motivation to myself when I hit the inevitable wall...

In the Land of the Light People - Book 1
Genre: epic fantasy
Word count: 64000, which is a lot more than I had thought and maybe too much for being only about 1/3 of the way through what I want to tell. Probably will have to split these into 3 books.
Start date: ummm, March maybe?

I'm steaming along nicely with this, have pretty much all my major plot points laid out, only need to rewrite some specifics from the beginning and tie in some plots that seem to have coalesced nicely. Onwards!
genre: fantasy of some sort
word count: 4761 according to my word processor.
status: working on it. the prologue is done now and parts of chapters one and two are done. It's out lined as far as chapter 9. when I get there I'll see what i can do next.
Today I've written 882 words. 882! Me!

So now:
Title: The Beautiful Man
Genre: Supernatural tragi-mance
Word count: 22,008!
Status: I'm trying to remember who knows what secret about who. The murderer has been introduced. And we're up to four bodies. Yay!
OMG, I can't even remember when the last time I wrote here was... >_<
At least I got back to writing again :D
You guys have no-idea how hard it was...

So, back to the point
I'm gonna give a report of the works I've done/started/finished during the last two years ( 8 months of that time I couldn't write anything because I was sick -_-).

Title: The Equinox Saga: "The Autumnal Equinox"
Genre: YA Fantasy/Romance
Start Date: 27 March 2010
Word Count: 160.000
Status: DRAFT FINISHED 17 March 2012, Now editing/rewriting :)

Big project. ;) It's supposed to be a trilogy, and each book has different characters and narrations

Title: The Equinox Saga: "The Hibernal Solstice"
Genre: YA Fantasy/Romance
Start Date: 08 November 2010
Word Count: 15.000 / [supposed to be] 180.000
Status: Writing it whenever I'm not editing the first book ;)

Title: The Equinox Saga: "The Prevernal Crescent"
Genre: YA Fantasy/Romance
Start Date: 21 December 2012
Word Count: 5.000 / [supposed to be] 200.000 8D
Status: Writing the parts that are connected to the first and second book

Oh, and I have a few other projects as well

Title: "Faded Boundaries"
Genre: Magic/Fantasy
Start Date: 17 July 2011
Word Count: 10.000 / [supposed to be] 40.000
Status: Going slowly because I'm not done with plot-planning yet

Title: "The Motherland: New Queen"
Genre: Epic/Fantasy
Start Date: 7 June 2011
Word Count: 12.000 / [supposed to be] 30.000
Status: Writing in free time

I've also finished about 5 short stories (1.350 words - 3.000 words), and I'm writing three short stories currently

Phew, sorry for the looong post :p


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