The chronicles word counter!

Title: Ink
Genre: YA fantasy
Word Count: 25,219 words.
Status: A chapter and a half to go, and the first draft will be finished. It needs a fair bit of fattening and a certain amount of, you know, description, but it's nearly all in there storywise. Right now, Lily's climbing a long, long flight of stairs.
Title: I, Singularity
Start Date: January 2012
Genre: Super Hero, aiming for the Terry Pratchett First Novel contest, which means I need 80,000+ words by 31st December 2012.
Word Count: 28,205 words.
Status: A work in progress. First chapter finished. Courtroom scene finished, although it needs revision because the current rewrite has her failing to leap a tall building in a single bound before she gets to court, not after. Scene where she meets one of the scariest heroes in this universe finished. Following scene, where Our Hero and her sidekick meet the people in charge of licensing super heroes partly completed.

Bunch of ideas for continuing the Evil Plot (TM) forming a couple of pages of rough notes.
Last edited:
Provisional title: Black as Night
Genre: Fantasy (though not many fantastical things happening just now)
Word count: 120,082
Status: for the characters -- fighting monsters, having panic-attacks,
.......... for me -- screaming silently -- 120k was my projected limit and I'm nowhere near finished
Provisional title: Black as Night (Still)
Genre: Fantasy (ooh, fantastical things happening... and in the muniment room)
Word count: 140,051
Status: for the characters -- panic in the Palace, bombshells in the basilica
.......... for me -- just the panic, since the castle layout is all wrong -- who put that gatehouse there?
The Many - Start date January 2012
This is now 20/06/2012 - 28,800 stalled for now, considering reader comments. This is the foundations for what is to come, so lots of editing and restructuring ahead - no change really.

Culture Shock - Start date May 2012
20/06/2012 – 5,000

Little or no progress in a month but this is because I have been dealing with the hangover from a small fire in my flat. Finally in a place where I have had time to write this week and I really missed the escape writing was giving me. Lots more editing ahead of me which I'm always slow to start doing. Anyway, I'm back again.
Novel: Tentatively titled "Return to a dark world"
Genre: Science Fiction
Word Count: 22,627
Status: Prolouge and Chapter 1 complete, little more then half-way through chapter 2, pace is fairly steady.
Oh, kick up the proverbial...

AC; now up to 101000 words (I can't believe that, once I was struggling to get anything meaningful past 85000), subplots added - well strengthened - overarching story line pulled out and made more obvious.

Sunset over Abendau: 76330 and this is where I have a decision, I can probably wrap up the recently recognised plotlines from AC in a nice 30000 words, or I can go for a third. I'm inclined to wrap up and see if I can sell them...

The Dome (working title - I'm creeping closer and I've half named the island...)
2500 with about another 6000 drafted but not there yet. I think my plan is to let this one fizz, explore some of the concepts I've opened up and finish SoA.
TBM now 41,992 words. I've not written a lot today, I've spent far too long trying to work out who should be drinking what kind of alcohol. Three of my MCs are now drunk.
Title: I, Singularity
Start Date: January 2012
Genre: Super Hero, aiming for the Terry Pratchett First Novel contest, which means I need 80,000+ words by 31st December 2012.
Word Count: 28,726 words.
Status: Have figured out the story arc. To make it all work, all I need is a genehacker and a time machine...
Today I've written 481 words. To be fair, I've done a ton of reading about fires, but... that's 481 words and my fire scene complete. Now, does that seem right?! How do people manage such huge word counts when I can't even manage a decent number for a dramatic scene?
Title: Ink
Genre: YA fantasy
Word Count: 30,321 words.
Status: I still haven't written the last couple of chapters (turns out there was more to do than I thought), but I'm getting there... and I think I now know where 'there' is. Lily's finding out things that annoy her.

Edit: Mouse -- maybe you don't repeat yourself? I find I tend to say the same thing over again in slightly different ways... and sometimes I say it a third time in ways that are almost the same.
481 words and my fire scene complete. Now, does that seem right?! How do people manage such huge word counts when I can't even manage a decent number for a dramatic scene?
First of all, is the scene complete? Have you got everything that needs to happen and the necessary reactions in there? If so, then it doesn't matter if it's 481 or 1481 words. If you're worried whether its dramatic enough, then shove it up in Critiques and let's have at it.

As for huge word counts, I tend to talk a lot, so my characters do, too... :eek:
fantasy, of the urban variety~maybe
word count 7980 ~ yay almost 8000 words. ALMOST
status: what can I say I know what should happen when and where but not how to make it happen.

Are we dreaming?
It's something time travelly, well it's something (to say the least).
790 typed words and about that many hand written.
It's a story my friend requested. it's a short story. All I know is who each character meets when the go to the past. but since she likes everything I write I won't have to know much else until I decide to edit and rewrite after it's all done.

I've decided on a similarly themed story for a 'sequel' and when it's done I'll compile and (self)publish them and give her a free autographed copy for her birthday.
Title: I, Singularity
Start Date: January 2012
Genre: Super Hero, aiming for the Terry Pratchett First Novel contest, which means I need 80,000+ words by 31st December 2012.
Word Count: 28,726 words.
Status: Have figured out the story arc. To make it all work, all I need is a genehacker and a time machine...

And now I have them. Bwahahahahahahaha!!!
First of all, is the scene complete? Have you got everything that needs to happen and the necessary reactions in there? If so, then it doesn't matter if it's 481 or 1481 words. If you're worried whether its dramatic enough, then shove it up in Critiques and let's have at it.

As for huge word counts, I tend to talk a lot, so my characters do, too... :eek:

Yeah everything's there that needs to be. I'm thinking maybe I should have some flooring collapse and flames roaring and all of that, but... researching fire yesterday and it was mostly about the smoke.

I did think about putting it up in critiques, but I don't want my betas to read it. I want to gauge their reactions when the scene's in context so I know whether it's working or not.

But if anybody's happy for me to pm the scene to them... ;)
Title: The Last Days
Word Count: 120,000
Start Date: January 2011
Genre: Fantasy
Status: Fifth draft - due to publish December 2012. I'm deep into proof-reading and general editing of the story. This is the final instalment of my 'Tree of Life' series, so I'm aiming for a dramatic and satisfying conclusion!
Novel (provisional title A Journey Around Britain) 84,214 words so far, and nowhere near finished yet...supposed to be a 35-day circumnavigation of British Isles 100 years from now. Wish me luck...
Sounds intriguing! ^

I know I only posted the other day, but I'm now at 45k. That's halfway, people! :D
The Many - Start date January 2012
This is now 30/06/2012 - 28,800 still stalled and waiting on lots of editing and restructuring - two hands!

Culture Shock - Start date May 2012
30/06/2012 – 11,500

I've been busy on this one instead. All SciFi, no laser guns just yet but I luv them, so I'll pop some in somewhere!
'A Journey Around Britain' at 91,141 words now (working hard last night when I got home). I had a look on Wiki to find out the length of the coastline of Britain, and it turned out to be 11,076 miles. That's about 10,000 nautical miles, and the ship is travelling slowly, doing a coastal survey. So I'm guessing ca. 1000 hours of actual travel time at 10 knots. You have to also consider adverse weather setbacks, calling in to various ports for emergencies or shelter, etc. Now 1000 hours is ca. 42 days of continuous travel, so I'm assuming 18 extra days to take account of sheltering in port, bad weather etc. as above. So, 60 days instead of 35 in my previous post.:)

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