Title - In Gold
Genre - Romance (attempts) with a bit of 'beyond normality' thrown in
Word count - 73,950
Start date - 5th June 2013
Status - After finishing the first draft at this time last year, I put it aside completely until this summer started. I hadn't even visited the Chrons since then, so focused I was on my final year of uni. But with that done, I decided I needed to redraft edit and finish this novel. In the interim I have rethought various aspects of the sorry and structure of the novel, adding in a couple of characters and deepening the relationships between others that were initially just side-sceners. I fact the original draft was only planned to be about the lovers relationship, but it turns out that the husband has more relationship to make up with their child than he does with the wife, and the wife has more relationship with her mother-in-law and husband's best friend than with the husband himself (though always keeping their relationship firmly in the centre of their thoughts and actions). Not to mention that these characters seem to be the most wilful I have made, rarely do the conversations go where I had intended them. They have started a good few fights I hadn't foreseen (but to be fair to them, they have avoided some as well).
It has turned out to be a much deeper work than I had thought (which is good, right?). So far any pieces that I have 'finished' haven't had this depth, I don't think, so I am hopeful for this one. I have until the end of October to finish the rewrites and a decent polish-edit for descriptions and stuff before handing it to my partner to be my guinea pig
It should be a good amount of time, but since my 3rd year of uni finished I decided what-the-hay and have signed myself up for another year to get a masters degree as well, so I don't know how much time I will be able to devote to the project exactly. Hopefully enough
Am Back on Chrons now regularly (if only lurking) so i'm sure to get inspiration from all of you kind folk.