The chronicles word counter!

Short story first draft completed at 5,100+ words. I sat there for a few hours pounding away at the keyboard and wrote 2400 words yesterday. That is a big day for this guy.
Good for you, Phyre. Glad you've finally got some writing time again. :)

Cloud is 57,000 words now. End is drawing near. Then I have to rewrite pretty much the entire beginning. Hoping to end up with around 70,000 words total. Still need a title!
Title: Ancient Technologies
Genre: Science Fiction, near future.
Start Date: August 2012
Word count: 51,456

A thousand words today!

For those keeping track, I have a publication date - 1st September 2014. Technically it will be self-published, but will be a good test of the waters for the publishing company.

Title: Ancient Technologies
Genre: Science Fiction, near future.
Start Date: August 2012
Word count: 58,200

Today I wrote the book title in a secondary character's dialogue :D because I can.
Now that I finished a short last friday, I went back to my modern Dorian Gray story and wrote around 800 words yesterday. I think it's up to 2300 words or there around. We are about to see the picture take its first ugly sneer soon. :)
I've been editing a lot, about the only thing I've found easy to do while still waiting for my builder to finish. I've knocked a lot of words out and added some in, but I'm still less than what I had the last time I posted on here. 58.5k. A few more weeks and the builder will be gone, and for my writing itch, it can't be soon enough. So many ideas lost to the small chaos of my life right now, but such is life.

Well done Gitch. Finally a word count to be proud of.
My current word count for Chameleon is 82k. I'm targetting around 202k for this book, with two more to round off the series of around the same length.
393 words written today, bringing Locke & Co to 27,757 words. Slow going, but at least we are moving again.
Yay mouse...write that book

I wrote about 1100 words in a new short yesterday and hope to bust out another 1000 or so today. My wife and I like to hit a coffee shop at least once a week where I sit and write like a mad man and she reads a book :) So that is the plan tonight.
I still have my builder in upsetting my mojo, but it can't be too much longer now. 62k and growing. Just finished an action section, which I find slow to write as all the details have to be right while keeping the flow fast - always a challenge.
Wrote about a thousand words on the weekend for new WIP, Sleepy Grove. Done 2 chapters and almost 7000 words in. It's a start.
I've just surpassed the 40,000 word mark of the first draft to my second novel. Not bad, considering that I only started writing last October. I've got the rest of my life ahead of me. One day, I will be published :)
110K words now. Would have been more but had an issue with one chapter that caused a major rewrite of it six times.

On target for a christmas finish now!
Last chapter of Oracle edit started. Once done I will read it from beginning to end.

I can't praise enough the wonderful edit I had from Teresa. It has made me think hard and long about each chapter, character and plot point. It has produced a few surprises as I have edited and in some cases re-written scenes. I feel my characters are stronger, my plot clearer and my end chapters a hell of a lot better.
The Many - 66k and getting close to the end now. I might pop in over 80k, if I get lucky.

It's been a hard going WIP this one.
I have finished three shorts in just over a week. That is the most writing I've done in that short of a span

Utopia - 3488
Apollo 20 - 4745
The Attic - 3464

If only I could focus on my book idea, I'd be rolling.

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