HBO and Martin

I'm not sure if it'll make it to our shores - Rome was on TV here briefly, The Sopranos got an awful timeslot, and things like The Tudors and The Wire never made it. But I'll definitely be getting the DVD as soon as it's available.

There's always the magic of BitTorrent...
Wow! Great news! Unfortunately I don't have HBO... or a TV (fortunately).
I wonder what will be included in this first episode, and how they are going to finish it, Brans fall or much later?
I'm not sure if it'll make it to our shores - Rome was on TV here briefly, The Sopranos got an awful timeslot, and things like The Tudors and The Wire never made it. But I'll definitely be getting the DVD as soon as it's available.

Rome (both seasons) and the tudors have both screened fully in Oz... cable of course.... on Showcase... but then we are talking about series that are made for cable to start with i suppose... don't know about the Wire... but its been available on DVD here for ages...
I am watching season 2 of The Tudors every Tuesday at 9pm on CBC, our public broadcaster. I expect to have to get HBO Canada to watch the pilot but it's a small sacrifice.

While my wife will definetly call me a geek when I propose we get HBO for this reason (Wiggs - what is it with women who love geeks!!!) I have no doubts she will watch as she has read and is rereading the series right now.
Thank goodness my neighbor has HBO and that we are on very good terms. She also likes this sort of thing. I very rarely watch television, so I don't have cable.
HBO/BBC: "So Mr. Martin, how does the story end?"

GRRM: "I don't know for sure. It's not finished."

HBO/BBC: "But you're close to wrapping it up."

GRRM: "Well, I'm working on book 5 and I think I'll have it wrapped up in two or three books after that."

HBO/BBC: "Huh?"

GRRM: "Funny, every time I published a book, the story get's longer. Heh-heh."

HBO/BBC: "Well at least you're a fast writer, aren't you? Let's see. Your first book came out in 1996 and it's 2008 now. You wrote books 2 through 4 since then. And I saw where you promised your fans that book 5 will be out early next year. So let's say you've written four books since 1996. Let's subtract 1996 from 2008. So that means you'll have written four books in twelve years for an average of one every three years. You say that there are two to three more books to the story. That would mean that we won't see the story wrapped up for another six to nine years. Is that right?"

GRRM: "Well, the last couple books took four to five years each."

HBO/BBC: "Huh?"

GRRM: "The first three went pretty quickly, like a couple years each but the last couple have really gotten stretched out."

HBO/BBC: "Problem with the story line? Writer's block?"

GRRM: "Some but mostly my side projects. You know, comic books, vacations, editing anthologies, lead knights, conventions domestic, conventions abroad, resin figurines. You know, stuff."

HBO/BBC: "So, what you're saying is that we shouldn't be surprised if it takes anywhere from six to fifteen years before you're done."

GRRM: "Oh no, nothing like that. That could be interpreted as a deadline and I don't do deadlines."

HBO/BBC: "Huh?"

GRRM: "It will be done when it is done."

HBO/BBC: "Well, Mr. Martin, we don't see committing to this project when, a.) the story's not done; b.) the story's not anywhere close to being done with a potential of it not being done for another six to fifteen years; and c.) you don't look like you'll make it past the end of this meeting."

GRRM: "Gee, I'd love to chat with you some more but I've got a con in Botswana."

HBO/BBC: "Huh?"

GRRM: (In affected British accent): "It will be done when it is done. Tah-tah."
Holy ******* ****. I just read parts of that blog you linked to.

I didn't realize people could be so incredibly hateful about anyone, much less someone whose books they read obsessively enough to write a blog about it. Seriously, why don't they just stop reading it if they hate it that much?
Because people or humanity in general are selfish, hypocritical, asshats. They forget that this guy made a masterpiece and a world where they actually enjoy visiting and start to think that GRRM owes them something. That they are right in their demands etc etc ...

I would go on with my rant, but I've been sick and tired all day so perhaps one of my betters here in the forum could take over....
Does the man have to dress himself in the morning? Surely he can write naked? Five more minutes a day! And while we are at it, why does he eat and sleep and bathe. There's time for that after you publish the book YOU OWE ME!!!

Re: Finsh the Book, George

No, but I've been looking for something like that! Thanks. I thought I was pretty much alone in not fawning over the sweaty folds of GRRM.
I'm just curious, why do you bother reading anything by him anymore? Why not just save yourself the heart attack and go read something else? It seems like a lot of wasted effort to me.
I'm just curious, why do you bother reading anything by him anymore? Why not just save yourself the heart attack and go read something else? It seems like a lot of wasted effort to me.

for the same reason i couldn't tear myself away from the train wreck that was smallville on tv. even though over half the episodes were incredibly lame (just as some martin chapters/viewpoints are), i had to keep watching because i did enjoy some of the characters and wanted to know how the various plotlines would resolve themselves.
Ah. Well just to inform, these forums are for discussion and appreciation of books. We welcome genuine and intelligent criticism as it leads to a greater understanding of the flaws and merits of any given work, but baseless whining, complaining, and flaming are not appreciated nor tolerated. Just so you know. If anything like the hate-filled drivel from that blog appears here, I will notify the moderators at once, who will be more than happy to remove it and possibly ban you. That kind of thing goes counter to the spirit of this forum.
Ah. Well just to inform, these forums are for discussion and appreciation of books. We welcome genuine and intelligent criticism as it leads to a greater understanding of the flaws and merits of any given work, but baseless whining, complaining, and flaming are not appreciated nor tolerated. Just so you know. If anything like the hate-filled drivel from that blog appears here, I will notify the moderators at once, who will be more than happy to remove it and possibly ban you. That kind of thing goes counter to the spirit of this forum.

easy man, just saying it's perfectly possible and reasonable to enjoy a particular book or series but still have a great amount of frustration with it. i've been battling it since i first picked up game of thrones... parts of it are incredible, but parts of it are also very frustrating and remind me of i stopped reading the WoT... because there was no end in sight.

granted, the blog is on the strong side. but i also feel it is rather tongue in cheek and more than anything is intended as a distraction during the wait. you might be taking it a little too personally/seriously. steady's post was pretty funny i thought.

First, let me say that I am not a moderator. I am a an average poster here. I'd just like to clarify things a bit.

I think weirwood (in posts #35 & #37) was referring to Steady 01 comments regarding Martin's hygiene and health. Discussing the timetables of the release of ADWD and the development of ASOIAF on HBO are the topics of this thread. I don't think that weirwood was referring to your post on page one of this thread.

Discussing Martin's style, plots, subject matter, and how he deals with various social, religious, and political issues (of which I believe I am on the opposite side of the fence from Martin) are also fine for discussion. But taking the level of discussion of HBO and Martin down to "I thought I was pretty much alone in not fawning over the sweaty folds of GRRM." is neither to the point, logical, nor polite.

Steady 01's first post about an imaginary discussion between Martin and HBO was to the point. It displayed imagination while showing his frustrations.

I also think that Steady 01 (in post #34) misunderstood Culhwch (in post #33). I believe Culhwch's sarcasm was not towards GRRM, but rather towards those he deems irrational in their impatience for ADWD.

As for the linked blog on the previous page... It's their site... They can do whatever they want as long as they are not abusing their EULA nor breaking federal or state laws. I found it ironic (they know waaaaaay too much about ASOIAF to act the way they do), immature (name calling), and vindictive (wishing ill towards Martin). Whatever valid points they may have regarding ADWD are lost in their inane, hateful rantings. If they deem to call it "shtick", well they can, but I don't believe it. If they'd lose the bitterness and blog rationally, then I'd be of a mind to hear them out.

On an aside, I've not seen Smallville. But I do have certain, ahem, several guilty pleasures... Lost, UFC, and Island of the Sequined Love Nun...

Happy posting.

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