HBO and Martin

So, what happens when they get to AFFC and GRRM's not done with the series yet?
Ohhh man just read the summary of the script. It sounds just like the book! I like the idea of the Others' scene being changed. I can see the scene fading from a group of Others circling Waymar Royce, closing in slowly with their swords held up high like in LOTR when the ringwraiths slowly close in on frodo. That scene gave me chills! I will have to brace myself though, I'm sure there will be some additions I will have to grit my teeth through. We can however just think of it as continuations of the book where GRRM didn't have time to talk about. I mean, it's got his stamp of approval on it right? As long as it's in the spirit of the character I think it'll be alright for me.

I will be bummed though if they completely do away with flashbacks. I want my Tower of Joy scene! But if they do add in the scene won't it give it away that she's dieing in childbirth?
Not if they do the shot from a close angle perhaps. Envision the picture about 2 to a few feet away tilted to be over Neds shoulder enough where it shows Lyanna chest up and turned enough to show Neds face?

Another could be a kneeling side shot. At the same distance u shoot the scene at the same height as the bed she is in, but from the side, chest up?
Holly crap, I just read the summary of the script and...well...I got really excited. This is going to rock! Period! I don't give a sh*& how much HBO Canada costs a month, I will get it when we finally get a airing date for the pilot.
I know right, it looks likes its going to be done really well. Alas, I'm in school and HBO there costs a ridiculous amount of money, maybe it's time to get a job :(

or wait on the dvd's... but i don't think i could stand reading posts on the series without having seen it myself
I'm not reading the script. I'm going to let myself be totally enthralled the first time without any foreknowledge. I want to experience it purely.
I'm not sure where they put the 8th kind of awesome (probably some sort of Pantry Of Awesome +2), but that summary was 7 kinds of it, in spades.

Gave me chills to be honest.
This seems like the most appropriate thread for news regarding GRRM and HBO that is not necessarily AGOT related.

According to Rolling Stone, Martin signed a deal to do more writing and producing for HBO beyond the current AGOT show.

New Beauty and the Beast? Wild Cards? Or Dunk'nEgg?

Or given the current mania for Twilight and True Blood, they might do Fevre Dream.

Or maybe something completely new.
I heard rumors of Fevre Dream going to the big screen. Maybe he is choosing the small screen instead?
WILD CARDS is held by SyFy and Universal, so it's not likely to be that.
I heard rumors of Fevre Dream going to the big screen. Maybe he is choosing the small screen instead?

Fevre Dream is a wonderful story and I'd like to see the Rhaegar Targaryen in Joshua York :D I just bought The Lands of Ice and Fire and am enjoying every inch of it! :D

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